Not sure what triggered this asthma exacerbation- could be weather change, allergens from a trip over break or who knows what. I stayed home all last week, except Monday. I got a COVID test- negative. Finally, got ahold of my asthma doctor and prescribed increase in prednisone and other advice. It’s Saturday and I don’t feel better and now my stomach is upset and I’m still exhausted.
I am having a lot of anxiety about returning to school on Monday. I teach elementary school- ESL to kids in grades K-6, in smal groups all day. 85 kids throughout the day. We are being hit pretty hard by Omicron. We have a lot of kids out with it and some staff. I’m scared to go back. I’m vaccinated and boosted, but people are getting it anyway. Our experts say it is a good idea to stay away from large groups and in their next breath they say that school should remain open. That seems like an oxymoron- schools ARE big groups of people. My school has about 500 kids and I work with them in a classroom. I’m already feeling poorly and to go back where I know it is a very good possibility that I could catch COVID feels crazy. I don’t want to go back. I don’t even feel I can work yet. Yet, I love my students and I know I’m needed. What to do? I don’t know. I’m almost out of sick leave.