My current asthma doctor has recently decided that most of my coughing and SOB symptoms are attributed to VCD. During my latest URI and flare she told me it was my VCD and to rest and use cough medicine. That didn’t work, I called in two more times- my cough and SOB was constant and she still wouldn’t help me. Urgent care a week later prescribed prednisone, finally and my symptoms began improving the next day. I also told this asthma doctor how I’d had an asthma breathing issue while dancing and it was quickly reversible with albuterol, thank goodness. She doesn’t seem to believe that either of these things happened.
I went for the VCD assessment and they did the full assessment and said I do not have VCD. Given my symptoms, history and descriptions- I clearly have asthmatic symptoms. My other doctor was talking about doing the methacholine challenge. The ENT said she saw no reason to put me through that given the two examples of asthma symptoms s that were clearly reversed by prednisone and albuterol. She suggested that I get a new doctor.
This asthma Journey began June 18, that’s 5 months of doctors, medicines, tests, diagnoses and still nothing definitive. My primary care most recently wrote his assessment as “severe persistent reactive airway disease”. He didn’t even say asthma.
Aren’t there more medicines and procedures to try for treatment? I’ve tried Flovent, QVar, Symbicort, Breo 100 and I am now on Breo 200. I am allergic to dust mites and mold and ragweed. Do they do allergy shots for that? What else do they do for hard to treat asthma?
Thanks for any ideas or thoughts on this. I feel frustrated and lost and wanting to give up- I am so tired of it all.