Hi there,
I'm currently struggling with my health and need someone's insight.
It all started after undefined virus infection beginning of March 2020.
I had fever, sore throat, tight and burning chest, difficulties to breath and sleep.
The fever was gone after two and the half weeks but I never recovered to normal and it's been now five months.
Couldn't get the Covid test when the condition was active but antibody test done afterwards have been negative.
My age is 35 and I'm male who lived athlete lifestyle all my life, no cigarettes etc. and never had any allergies.
My symptoms are:
* Sore lungs (burning and stabbing pain goes from chest to back)
* Exhaling feels somehow restricted
* Occasional SOB
* Slight "phlegmy"
* Sleeping difficulties (never had this before) - waking to hypopnea? every night and even different sleeping medicines won't help
- In overall I feel really disabled all the time because of the persistent pain/breathing issues and the sleep deprivation has forced me to stop my active life.
Doctors findings so far (I have been two different Asthma docs multiple times)
* Silent chest
* No wheeze
* No cough
* PEF normal in two weeks follow up (590 - 620)
* No response to Salbumatol (doesn't change PEF numbers or help with symptoms)
* Negative methacoline challenge test (no bronchoconstriction)
* FeNo level normal (11)
* Spirometry normal but FEV% and PEF in low end (Fev1/VC 87%, PEF 76% - no response to Salbumatol) - (according to doctor the breathing technique could have affected the numbers)
* Cardiac stress test normal (12 min cycling, heart rate 185, no wheeze, but I felt exhaling was not normal)
* Heart ultrasound normal
* Chest X-Ray normal (taken two times)
* Bloodworks nomal (taken multiple times)
* Gastroscopy (loose LES and esophagus had some mild grey signs of GERD) - Two months of Esomeprazol, Gaviscon, inclined bed hasn't done anything.
* Trial 20 days of Flixotide didn't really do much
* Trial 20 days of Relvar ellipta 184/22 made my lungs even sorer
* Anxiety med Oxazepam has not helped to alleviate the symptoms
For next three months I'll be in Flixotide 2x250µg and then have another PEF follow up.
Can this be some sort of non-eosinophilic Asthma? Any thoughts?