REVLAR ELLIPTA: I have been prescribed... - Asthma Community ...

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Aisling30 profile image
27 Replies

I have been prescribed this inhaler by my gp because my previous inhalers which i have been on for 20years were having no effect. I can only take this once in 24 hours and i am wondering is anyone else on this and how do they find it. My peak flow was 100 for the ladt while but after taking it this evening it 130 which is a slight improvement. I woukd be interested to hear ant reviews on thid. I took it at 3.00pm today and I am ratger anxious that i can go till 3.00pm tomorrow without having to take a reliever inhaler

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Aisling30 profile image
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27 Replies
Bluecat99 profile image

I was taking it, and had no issues with it: having said that, I was only on it for a matter of months. I now take trelegy elipta, an inhaler not licensed for asthma but which seems to be helping.

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Bluecat99

Thanks Bluecat. I gave never heard of that one but there are always new ones on the market. Revlar isn't really new it was launched in November 2013.

Emily-G profile image

Hi I am on Relvar Ellipta and I really like it. To begin with I was worried about only taking it once a day, and there are times when it would be good to double up like I used to with symbicort 400. However day to day I shake must less and I have better control than I had before. I hope it works for you xxx

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Emily-G

Hi Emily, well I went 19 hours without having to take a puff of anything then I took a puff of ventolin at 9.00am and 12.00 noon. I then took my 2nd Revlar at 3.00 and it now midnight and I feel good. Not breathless at all so let's hope it agrees with me.

Thanks for replying to me. Liz

Teigan01 profile image

Hi Aisling 30 To let you know I am also on Revlar Ellipta and am getting on fine with this. I did find it weird only taking it once a day but have got over this and would be glad to have not to take an inhaler at all. I have taken various over the last sixty years only because some of them went out of production I guess and now am on this because my Doctor states this is the best one for me that is on the market now Over the years I have grown into the habit of taking my Brycanil One at bedtime but as I say this is a habit but my Doctor says that is ok. Hope this helps. I would add that if you find you are not getting on with it I would go back to my GP.

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Teigan01

Thanks Teigan. I will keep at it for a couple of weeks as it is supposed to be the best on the market at the moment.

Chrisatsaydo profile image

Hi ,I have been on Relvar Ellipta for the past 3 years at first I found it strange not being able to take the inhaler twice a day, but overtime I got used to it , but my asthma wasn’t being controlled, I had blood test after blood test eventually my specialist found out that I had a rare type of of asthma called esnophilliac which I am told only 1 in 5 have this type of asthma, I tried that many types of inhalers before trying Relvar I am 70 years old and have had a chest complaint for many years, taking high doses of steroids, which as taken it’s toll on me, weight gain thinning of the skin bruising, catterachs.

Last year in June my specialist told me that there was a new treatment available via a injection, he asked me to try it, I have had 11 injections up to now, but I am not sure that it it is working, because I am still having bad nights coughing for hours to try to clear my lungs off the thick horrible gunge that builds up, but at l have managed to come off the steroids at last

but now I have been hit by arthritis in back , knees, neck , wrists and my fingers I find myself in so much pain, painkillers don’t touch me & I cannot take anti inflammatory tablets because of my asthma, so now I am looking into the possibility of taking HCB +oil to help relieve the pain, that is if it won’t counteract with my other medication, but I have to do a lot more research first.

may be the winter months have had a roll to play with some of my problems I hope that when the warmer weather comes that I will start to pick up, as far as the Relvar for you give it a try for a while , if you find that it doesn’t work for you , then I suggest that you pay your Doctor another visit, as far as I know it is supposed to be the best one available, I hope it works for you and that you get better, I hope you don’t mind my long story my very best regards Christine

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Chrisatsaydo

Thankyou so much for your comments Christatsaydo. Not at all you have been through alot. Hope you improve soon

Joan_Public profile image


I tried Relvar Ellipta a few years ago but found the side-effects (severe shakes, headache) unbearable.

Dot know what is usual for you, but peak flow of 100-130 sounds very low ...

Relvar Ellipta is a long action bronchodilator plus steroid combination, so when you say that you are anxious about going until 3.00pm tomorrow without having to take a reliever inhaler, don't you also have a short term reliever / bronchodilator inhaler (ventolin / brycanyl) to take in addition to the Relvar?

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Joan_Public

Hi Joan thanks for replying. Yes i do have a ventolin inhaler just prescribed with the Revlar but i havent used ventolin in over 30 years. I am just anxious because its all new to the inhalers that I was on before. I have atrovent but i dont know if i can take this with Revlar and i have combivent nebules for my nebuliser which I barely ever have to use. My gp has gone on hols for two weeks. I am just afraid of the affects of the revlar. I know i am being silly. You would think i was 16 instead of 65 and had asthma for 60 years lol!


Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to Aisling30

I am on relvar and spiriva respimat (atrovent) so they can be taken together but may be worth checking with someone at your surgery that they are happy for you to do so. I was switched from fostair to relvar. I noticed a small improvement but nothing substantial. I have been on it nearly 18month. Xx

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Jenzzie18

Thanks Jenzzie. I was very stressed yesterday after i took my first dose of the Revlar but i much more relaxed today and my peakflow has gone from 110 to 130 and my oxygen levels are 97% when they wrre never higher than 95% so fingers crossed it going to improve my quality of life. I shoukd have changed inhalers ling ago 20 years on the same one not good! Liz

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to Aisling30

Fingers crossed things are on the up for you. X

Joan_Public profile image

Hi, no not being silly at all!

Did the doctor give you a written Asthma plan incorporating the new medication?

I don't know if you can take atrovent with relvar. The doc should've explained it all to you. How frustrating that the doc is now away for 2 weeks. Can you ring up the surgery and ask to speak to / make apt with another doctor?

The asthma nurses on the helpline here are very knowledgeable and might be worth a try if you are feeling anxious (never a good thing with asthma as you will of course know with all your years of experiencing managing symptoms) and need answers.

Hope you're feeling better soon

Honeysuckle21 profile image

Hi Aisling30 ,

I like you have been prescribed Relvar Ellipta , and I have not tried it either yet , I have had a few chest infections and stayed on Symbicort untill I got over them , but I am very nervous about trying Relvar . Sounds silly from a grown woman but I have been struggling with post nasal drip at the moment and nasal polyps and I have costochondritious which is quite painful , so I keep putting it off . But I'm going to try it tomorrow and see if it helps . Lol

All the best

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Honeysuckle21

You sound just like me. I was googlung and checkung things out but i had no choice but to take it yestrrday because i ran out of Foradil. Initially i was stressed but today i am more relaxed. Yesterday i went 19 hours without needing to take a ventolin inhaler which is the lingest time ever going without needing a puff of something so just take the bull by the horns and go for it and let me know how you get on. Liz

Honeysuckle21 profile image

I was thinking the same when I read your post lol , yes I'm going to take it tomorrow , and I'll let you know how i go on . Fingers crossed it works for both of us , I'm sick of being on steroids and antibiotics so here's hoping it helps reduce them . And yes I Google every new medication to see what the reviews are lol. But this site is amazing, so many helpful people , it's helped me a lot . Xx

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Honeysuckle21

You be fine. Let me know how you get on. It is now nearly midnight and I took Revlar at 3.00pm and not a sign of being out of breath at all which for me is amazing. Just been downstairs to make a cuppa and climbed back upsstairs and I good. Usually out of breath 😀😀I

Honeysuckle21 profile image
Honeysuckle21 in reply to Aisling30

Well I took it this morning about half an hour ago , 8-45 . So I’ll update later on 😊xx

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Honeysuckle21

Now 11.00am just had breakfast and no need for reliever yet but i havent left the house or gone walking yet. Liz

Honeysuckle21 profile image
Honeysuckle21 in reply to Aisling30

That’s good news , yes the test will come when you go out walking . So far so good for me , no adverse effects, but like you I’m just pottering about at home . We will see how it goes . Keep me updated 😊x

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Honeysuckle21

Will do but i have just gone up and down stairs and am good! Hopefully this may be our salvation. All i have now is constipation 🤣🤣 always something😂😂

Honeysuckle21 profile image
Honeysuckle21 in reply to Aisling30

Hahaha oh dear I hear liquorice is good for that 😂. Well I hope it is , I still have mucus in my throat but I think that’s is my post nasal drip than anything else . Fingers crossed 🤞 x

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Honeysuckle21

Cant take liquorice gives me migraines. Think i been eating way too much fibre ie weetabix 2 strawberries bananas and blacberries so this morning i made a full irish sausaged rashers white pudding froed egg and beans 🤣🤣 might do the trick. I have been drinking aloe vera gel for last few months which I find brilliant but i think this a glitch 😂😂

Honeysuckle21 profile image
Honeysuckle21 in reply to Aisling30

That’s interesting, but it probably is a glitch. But sounds like you eat a good diet anyway so things should turn round . X

Sazb3010 profile image

Hi I’ve been on revlar for about 4 months after suffering with chest infections for 2 years and being on seretide for about 15 years they decided to change it and I’ve not had a single side effect I take mine in the morning and if needed take a puff of my blue inhaler before bed it’s not really helped me chest infection wise but my asthma seems better controlled although I agree sometimes I fell two doses would be better :)

Aisling30 profile image
Aisling30 in reply to Sazb3010

Hi Sazbo. I only on my first week of this but feel that it is working for me. I take it in the afternoon. In the morning i usually take one puff of Atrovent and I am good.

I am hoping that the longer I take it the bettrrbzi will be.

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