ive had a really rough week. It started with the usual chesty cough so i started using more of my blue inhaler accordingly but by Tuesday i was really unwell and had to go to out of hours as i was struggling to talk without terrible chesty cough and a tight chest, my symptons have never been this bad before so this was a new experience for me. I was given antibiotics and oral steriods but by 12 hours later i had to get an emergency appointment with my gp who sent me straight to hospital. They kept me in over night with nebulizer, iv antibiotics. So im 7 days on since that still on steriods and antibiotics and i had to go back to gp this morning as i find im really breathless regardless if i sit still or move around. Because all my check up appeared fine he just extended my steriods and antibiotics for another week. I do feel concerned as i dont normally be this breathless so easy.
Sorry for the long post but has anyone else had something similar?