So after a bad night last night waking up breathless and coughing, I decided to ring 111 this morning. They advised me to go to a and e after saying I had a tight chest and chesty phlegmy cough. I decided to go to my walk in centre just as the nearest hospital is about a 30 minute drive. Saw a woman who did my oxygen on my finger, took my tempterure and listened to my chest. She didn't think it was a chest infection, told me to increase my purple and blue inhalers (never have to take blue unless I'm ill) and to go back tomorrow if I feel worse and she will give me steriods? I thought steriods needed to be used after treating the infection? Anyway does anyone have any home remedies for a phlegmy cough? I'm off to buy ginger as I can't afford to call in sick on Monday as I've had so much time off recently
Rang 111 : So after a bad night last... - Asthma Community ...
Rang 111

The only thing I find that works is inhaling steam, like in a bath, I'm fairly skeptical about most homely remedies.
The steroids reduce the swelling in your airways and help your breathing.
Thank you allyla, I will try anything! Yeah I have some spare steriods in my cupboard but always thought that they had to be used in line with an antibiotic first X
I'm with Allyla, steam is good for opening up the airways and loosening off that nasty phelgm.
hope you feel better soon.
Hi there are basically 2 types of exacerbations. The first is a chest infection where you would normally get ab's and maybe steroids. The second type is a worsening of your symptoms but with no infection which is what the doctor diagnosed you with. In this case you don't need ab's but just steroids.
With a bad cough one of the best things to do is drink plenty of water or squash (not tea coffee, alcohol etc.) which makes phlegm easier to cough up. x

Thank you for your reply! I've learnt something new I didn't know, always thought they had to be used together as have only ever had them together or one after another. I have been downing water today! And I made myself a ginger tea earlier. Chest is not feeling so tight now just sound very nasally when I speak and the green phlegm appears when I cough X
You are welcome. I always thought the same too until a doctor put me right. Having said that if you are coughing up green phlegm that usually means a chest infection so it might have turned into one in which case you do need ab's x
I've been sick quite a few years with chronic bronchitis and don't have insurance. My bronchi are usually congested and I cough a lot and bring up the phlegm. Strong menthol cough drops help me with my breathing a lot.
I agree with comments below steroids can be used with or without antibiotic. If your phlegm is green you need seen again?
It's hard I'm going to get home from hospital today but know I'll have sick leave and like you not been back long
It was an exacerbation of my asthma that triggered my angiodema. Home now and much better👍
You need to get to the dr Heen , ESP with your immune problem you are much more prone to infections and you need an action plan and ask you GP about a rescue pack which contains steroids and antibiotics so you can start straight away without waiting to see GP with some guidelines - better to be off work for a few more aye than end up in hospital having to take weeks off - believe me , I've been there 😞. Take care of yourself and keep us posted on how you get on xx
Hi Rainbows, my immune system is not great no! I take a daily centrum multivitamin but not sure if that helps. A rescue pack sounds like a good idea! A doctor who has now retired from my surgery gave me emergency steriods when I last needed them in Feb. Aww no that sounds horrible! I have text work tonight but also have to ring up tomorrow, I will thank you xx