Hello Friends, as I've mentioned I have been ridiculously unwell since my Neighbours had a bonfire on 1Sept, next day my GP prescribed 5 days of steroids, also in addition I've been taking all the above meds. for about 8 yrs now. The following Monday blue lighted to A&E - discharged in the evening. Admitted again 8 days later, I am home now and been signed off work until 10 Oct. My question is why am I still feeling so pants! Wheez, clammy, pouring with sweat, heavy legs, utterly exhausted.
I am booked in to see the asthma nurse next Thursday morning. Is there anything I can do in the meantime to alleviate feeling so awful. I look like a clean shaven moon-faced hamster on drugs! Also, insomnia and lots of bruising on legs and arms. Anyone else in the same boat? Sorry just having another rant from a very exhausted 59 yr old. Thanks for reading :0