Hi All - I have been unwell with what I thought was flu but have now discovered is Bronchitis. On my second lot of steroids and using salbutamol as needed. They want to carry out lung function tests in the next two weeks & see asthma nurse with the results, as there is a suspicion this is adult onset asthma. I am shattered most of the time with a full time job and young family. They are helping all they can but am so shattered most of time and wondered if there is anything I can do to help with constant phelgm etc? TIA xx
Help so fed up...: Hi All - I have been... - Asthma Community ...
Help so fed up...

"Active cycle breathing" can help you clear the mucus. There are some great videos on you tube. Also remember to keep really well hydrated, lots of water and hot clear drinks. Keeping hydrated thins mucus and makes it easier to clear.
Also remember that if you have a bad chest infection it can take 8 to 10 weeks for your lungs to get better, so remember to give yourself a break. Asthma can be really well controlled, so don't despair.
Welcome to the Forum you will find really good advice here, also if you are diagnosed with asthma, the asthma U.K. Help line is really good, in helping you navigate the system
Hope you feel better soon
Hi once you have a diagnosis if you have asthma then you will be given meds to help you manage it. In the meantime try cutting down a bit on dairy food as while it doesn't create more mucus it makes it thicker. Also drink more water to help thin it down and make it easier to cough up.
Also it is common to be intolerant of dust mites so ensure all your bedding and night clothes are washed in at least 60 degrees to kill them. This includes pillows, or get new ones every 6 months. x

Thanks I did drink a lot more last night & it is a little easier - just not used to being so floored. Missing cycling everyday etc - thanks for support was low!
Do not despair, I've had asthma for 40+ years since childhood (on and off). For most people it does not prevent you from leading a full life - I've traveled all over the world lived in several countries done marathons triathlons it doesn't have to stop you.
That said it sounds to me if you have asthma it's probably mild. Bronchitis is not asthma, but it can trigger asthma if you already have it. I would hold off on the lung function test for a couple months until your bronchitis is completely over since that will cloud the results. (I say this having done spirometry myself last week after bronchitis and I think it was too early).
Bronchitis/chest-infection/virus can really wipe you out but it does pass. Sorry you feel so anxious but they should have explained it better. I've seen and heard several times if you don't have previous asthma diagnosis and get chest infection with bad symptoms like cough that keeps you up or lots of phlegm they will try to hit it with pred and give you ventolin as needed ... but that's not a diagnosis of asthma. For asthma they will give you preventer like Qvar, Fostair, Symbicort. Note that asthma is hard to diagnose, especially for adult onset.
How old are you?