Asthma is rubbish! Had a bad chest a couple of weeks ago and I am not recovering as well as I normally would, went to see my GP with my asthma plan which was set up by the team at Glenfields Leicester which recommends a steroid dose of 40mg 2/52 wks, GP was funny when I produced this and was sharp with me because my peak flow was probably low enough to justify a visit to A&E ( which I have always avoided whenever possible) but reluctantly gave me doxycycline and a prescription for steroids. I am now 10 days into the steroids and have finished the doxycycline but I'm still breathless and wheezy. I also have monthly xolair injections. Feeling very fed up, I work as a TA and have GCSE's starting next week and I need to get rid of this tiredness... Would love to feel well for a few weeks.
FED UP: Asthma is rubbish! Had a bad... - Asthma Community ...

I'm so sorry that you're going through such a bad time with your health issues.
Sympathies extended and totally agree asthma does suck. I hope something kicks in for you or you can get more assistance
Thank you ... Just feeling sorry for myself today
Sorry you are having a bad time at the moment.. I am going through something similar...I try to exercise as much as possible between chest infections.. but always feel crappy the day after....its like a constant circle of feeling well... exercise.....feeling crappy.. waiting to feel well.. feeling well etc etc etc... and so it goes on...I have learned to listen to myself when I feel crappy see the dr... if I feel I am awake most nights coughing, wheezy and the steroids aren't helping.. Hospital it is.. I hate going to hospital too especially since I am a carer of my disabled daughter... but if you don't look after yourself who will?.... better to be safe than sorry have learned that hte hard way... so though I don't go until I absolutely have to.. I do go.. take care of yourself are the only one who can xx
Thanks it is just a circle that we keep going round isn't it? I'm quite active most of the time I work in a secondary school so that keeps me on the move, I do feel guilty when I have to have time off sick.
Ho i am new here and have never had to be admitted for my asthma but beginning of may i was coughing all night for 4 nights till i went to docs he put me on an antibiotic and steroids. A week later my chest was still bad in fact i was told if got any worse i would have to go to hospital he put me on doxycyline for 12 days and 7 days of steroids, all have now been finished been finished but i too feel tired alot of the time and am still coughing a bit......this is the worse chest infection i have ever had and it frightened me.
Hi Tina1954 it's horrible isn't it. I am feeling better after a 14 day dose of steroids and a week of doxycycline. I am always a bit wheezy but I accept that's just the way my life is going to be. It's really frightening though, I started having panic attacks due to my asthma which makes things seem even worse... If that's possible, I now take Meds to keep them at bay.
Asthma is very tiring and unless your a sufferer I don't think you can begin to imagine how exhausting it can be.
I hope your feeling brighter soon xx
I have been back to docs as after 2 lots of antibiotics and steroids i still wasnt right doc checked my chest said there was still a slight noise so she gave me a different antibiotic and steroids and was sent to hospital for x ray so now a waiting game to see what it shows and as my sick note runs out on 31st may i will be back to docs for another bit fed up with it now.