Hi. I'm new to this site & just wondered if anyone has any advice & has been going through the same thing.
I'm 48 & have been asthmatic since the age of 8, although I only had a few flare ups & recovered quickly. The last 10 years I have had many flare ups, but has been particularly bad the last 4 years. It seems to start with a chest infection, for which I'm prescribed antibiotics & steroids. Amoxicilin doesn't seem to work for me & usually need a second antibiotic & further steroids.
When I have a chest infection I get very breathless on doing the slightest things, like walking upstairs & have to rest or use Ventolin.
When well my peak flow is 480-500 & I feel 100% & able to do moderate exercise - like running after the children I work with or walking, without any problems. But I feel about 90 when I struggle to even walk short distances, when I have these flare ups.
I've had 5 chest infections since October & just wondered if anyone can suggest something to prevent these?
Thanks for your help, Sam.