Hi. I'm totally new to this community and forum. This is my first post on here.
Maybe this long detailed account of my experience this week, might help some other asthmatic who is or will be going through a similar thing and is feeling worried and scared.
I've had a lousy week with my asthma and feeling really unwell and being diagnosed with an urine infection.
I'm on steroids, about to finish 3 day course of them. I was on 2 different types of antibiotics to treat urine infection.
First lot was 'Amoxicillin' which has penicillin in it, and i'm allergic to it, luckily i didn't take any of them. Got them swapped for a different antibiotic.
The second lot i tried was 'Ciprofloxacin' i noticed not right away a day or so later, i was itching a finger, and it was going a little red. ( I've had hives before for 6 years for taking antibiotic amoxicillin. )
Which was the first one my doctor prescribed me this time. I thought the name looked familiar, but i was so unwell, but luckily like i said it said penicillin actually on the front of the box so i knew not to take any of them. But my doctor should have seen on my records i'm allergic to penicillin. )
So on the second lot of antibiotics Ciprofloxacin, i've only taken 3 tablets so far, sleep was bad so 5.45 am i phoned 111 having problems breathing, and already being on 2 days of steroids for my asthma and my asthma is not getting better.
I phoned 111 woman was nice, when doc phoned me back he was totally unhelpful unsympathetic and wanted me to calm right down so i could be totally relaxed, while he went on to ask me a million questions...
i told him i can't breath, i'm finding it hard to breath, can you understand that, i can't be relaxed and calm how you want me to be. Anyway he went on with the same line of questioning and wanting me to be calm, i asked him if he has asthma he said yes, i said so you understand what it's like. His reply i'm giving him a hard time basically, so if felt totally exasperated so i hung up. I had to go to work, the phone did ring but i couldn't answer as i was driving, and i felt so let down by the doctor. I did go to a and e later as i asked my dad to phone a and e, and the doc i think had agreed for me to go there.
After work, of 5 hours solid driving, once at a and e my stats were good and they wouldn't nebulise me. But the nurse was so understanding and helpful, i was still wheezy and i couldn't understand why my stats were good but i still felt wheezy and still worried and with being on steroids, usually they always make my asthma feel better within 24 hrs, but it had been 48 hours and i'm still wheezy and my inhalers weren't working.
The a and e nurse had with out asking me made me an appointment with my doctors surgery to see a doc and to suggest i mention to them if there's a link between taking the new antibiotic and why asthma is still bad while still being on steroids. To which i liked her forward thinking to help me.
I had wondered about the second lot of the antibiotics myself and with the hive itch and redness i'd seen with taking the 3rd tablet. And when i mentioned this all to a pharmacist she suggested i stop taking them and ask to speak to duty doctor.
But i see now it was the second lot of antibiotics which i'd taken 3 tablets in total which had flared up my asthma, i believe the nurse and pharmacist both saw the link straight away which seeing more clearly now is an likely reason, why.
But seeing the same doctor who prescribed me both antibiotics, took some persuading to convince her that's what made my asthma worse. It turns out that i didn't have a urine infection after all, so i didn't need any antibiotics. The doctor thought the antibiotics might of helped. It would take more persuading for me to believe that.
What have i learnt from this experience from the top of my head, it has put me off calling 111 again, and it's also made me think about buying a nebuliser for the first time ever.
It has also made me think that i need to try and think more when i'm really not feeling well, to think about the medication i'm currently taking, especially any antibiotics and then try and see if there is a link between that and why i'm feeling so unwell and wheezy. But when i get wheezy and i'm already on steroids and when my inhalers aren't working i get scared, and go into survival mode.
I don't see how i can relax if i get the same doctor or a similar doctor another time. I just hope it works out.
I'm a 46 years old woman and i've had asthma all my life, i've never thought about buying my own nebuliser before.
I've always been used to the nhs system, the old nhs system of using the phone out of hours number and speak to them they say 'yeah come on down', they only asked you acouple of questions. Now you have to speak to a nice lady then wait for the doctor to call you back within the hour, and then they precede to ask you a million questions, which at the time seem most of them seem to be irrelevant.
I've bought a nebuliser wearily, i wasn't sure if i would be able to get the medication for it. But i thought it's there as a back up incase i can get some on prescription sometime. Another time i will phone 111 and i just hope that i get a doctor who is more understanding.
I know i the benefits of going to into A and E at hospital than nebulising yourself at home, you can be monitored at hospital and the social interaction with the nurses i always like too, it feels like i am being cared after and in good hands. And you get to see the doctor at the end before you are released, and the doctor can write you out a prescription if you need it.
So the nebuliser at home is there for emergency if i get a stubborn doctor on duty at 111 and i will use it at home if i can and if i feel there is no other option for me.
When a doctor on the phone is the only person who can help me, and he's expecting me to be relaxed and calm, before he will talk and ask me questions, and then he precedes to want to ask me a million questions, and wants a nice relaxed and calm answer every time, that is like torture to me. I don't think that should happen.
I know i will have to phone 111 another time, i just hope i get a more sympathetic and understanding doctor next time.
I've a cough, big hoarse cough now, and coughing up yellow phlegm. Wonder if that means i have a cold. I maybe needing nebulising at sometime soon if it gets onto my chest
Asthma is like a friend who appears from time to time, and makes me have to work harder to help it out so it can go back to normal, nice and relaxed.