Hi all you may remember me talking about air conditioning and it's affects on my asthma. I went to my local leisure centre on Thursday to do my plates class and the air con was on. I did trigger my asthma I didn't say anything too polite and well english. Friday another class but this time of. Did say ssomething but was apologising for mentioning it.
Went back today to the leisure centre for a swim fine (Thursday not first had to use my inhaler swimming) but that down to my body getting use to lower dose of sure tide. Skip swimming yesterday.
BUT decided to ask of they won't use air con in classes I attend. Got talking to the duty manager who said that they were thinking of adding air purifier to their studio. He said it was very interesting what the people said about having air purifier taking all the allergy out of the air. They are going to have the leisure centre survey in the next couple of weeks.
Watch this space but I am still going to ask if they can get by without air conditioning. The studio has floor to ceiling windows and curtains too which don't seem to be ever used. I mention that they would hold a lot of dust.
As my mum says you don't get what you don't ask. I think this would come under reasonable adjustments? !