I have been given fostair recently but I keep getting sinus pain and headache, has anbody else had this problem???
Fostair inhaler~side effects - Asthma Community ...
Fostair inhaler~side effects

I'm on Fostair but have not had any side effects from it.
I got really bad shakes and palpitations which would last an hour. My GP was happy to take me off it when I told him.
I get very shaky after using Fostair. I was hoping the effects would wear off as I have only been on it 4 weeks!
Be worth going back to your dr, you may have sinusitis which is unrelated to the fostair.
I have just been put on Fostair after taking me off Seretide so I don't hold out much hope for me as I generally get side effects! I have to take two puffs twice a day so am I doubling up the dose by doing this. I have only take one puff twice a day with all my other inhalers.
Yes. Terrible sinus pain, eye ache and pain behind both eyebrows....
I know your post is old but I googled exactly this sinusy headache to see if it was linked to my change in medication and got this page as a result. Did you get "used" to the Fostair or did you change your inhaler?