So I am new to this forum/ Asthma UK, Joined because I really need to know if anyone else has/ has had this issue in the past.
I have what I thought was a mild case of asthma, but since coming home from a festival back in August, ive had a cough literally non stop. At first it was thought to be a chest infection and I was given Amoxicillin for it, which admittedly did clear the cough up a tiny bit, but since then its not gotten any better, its keeping me up at night, i cant take a deep breath without wanting to cough and have been back to my doctor (about a month ago now) and he said to just keep using the preventer/ areo chamber and the cough would subside. It hasnt at all and Im getting very stressed!!! He also mentioned the fact Im not ill enough to go on steroids but debating if i should go back and maybe he'll change his mind???
Is there anyone or anything that can help me?? Id really, really appreciate an answer!!