I was browsing another board where someone started a thread to see how far it'd get counting before it fizzled out (41 so far!) but someone then asked
""what's the LARGEST number?""
So, what's the largest number we know?
Geina x
I was browsing another board where someone started a thread to see how far it'd get counting before it fizzled out (41 so far!) but someone then asked
""what's the LARGEST number?""
So, what's the largest number we know?
Geina x
I think the largest number is a google.
I randomly remember this from a question on who wants to be a millionaire.
I think the largest number is a google.
until you add 1...
A googol is just 1 with 100 zeros, so you could add anything to it to make a larger number.
A googol and 1, a googol and 2, a googol and 3 ... 2 googol.
The largest finite number with a discrete name is a googolplex, which is 10-to-the-power-of-googol; or 1 with a googol zeros after it, whichever you prefer!
As Ratty says, this isn't the largest possible number (you could multiply it by 2, for example!) but it is the largest that has it's own name.
Of course, the largest possible number is ∞
oohh my head hurts!
Of course, the largest possible number is ∞
But it's more of a concept than a number - you can never count to it!
Wheezybouncer - that's a great article, thanks.
I found out about graham's number which made my head hurt!
I don't have a head for numbers!
Geina x
Oops...sorry Steve! Didn't notice you'd already put infinity
See, now my head hurts! Thought I was doing well there with my who wants to be a millionaire knowledge
Steve, you've now settled an argument my little boys been having at school about this so tyvm!
Thanks wheezybouncer for the original post and the link to graham's number - rather taxing on the old brain cells.
And to think I once did double higher maths, oh dear.
The next question has to be, how long would it take someone to count to the largest finite number?
The next question has to be, how long would it take someone to count to the largest finite number?
Tell ya what TJ.... Start counting now and let us know where you are next Monday ;o) I can barely make it to 100 without going wrong.
It's twps I am!
The next question has to be, how long would it take someone to count to the largest finite number?
Tell ya what TJ.... Start counting now and let us know where you are next Monday ;o) I can barely make it to 100 without going wrong.
It's twps I am!
Thanks. Hmm, I'd give it a go but time and possible dyscalculia would be against me.
Anyone else up for it?