My doctor has just decided to put the number of salbutamol (Ventolin) inhalers I can order at any one time down to 1 inhaler instead of 2, he says that they are under increased preasure to only prescribe 1 dues to somthing that I forget.
Originally he agreed with me on the visit he would prescribe 2, but on putting in a prescription for 2 this time they have refused to put on 2.
Unfortunately, I do get through my inhalers really quickly, and am also seeing a lung specialist to see if we can reduce my usage.
However my concern is that I work away quite alot, and obvioulsly have no time to be picking up my inhalers more frequently than normal, has anyone else experienced this and is my GP right in what he his doing, I understand that they need to keep costs down but im now worried that, I may run out and have some problems.
Thanks for any help.