Massive Moan Alert - Ignorant Consult... - Asthma Community ...

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Massive Moan Alert - Ignorant Consultan!!!!

1 Reply


19 Apr 12


Well, had my consultant appointment today.

Good news - my ct scan showed no damage to my lungs

Bad news- consultant doesn't believe in giving nebulizers as he believes they are ni better than a spacer. He would not listen to me when I told him that in an attack I get to a point when my lungs are too closed up and I can't get any more meds in via a spacer.

Nope he dissagreed and refused to listen to me.

I asked him what am I supposed to do? Keep calling ambulances almost weekly and endng up in a&e or at tge Drs on a nebulizer? He just repeated that nebs are no different to my spacer.

I'm soooooo frustrated, all I wanted was an opportunity to bring an attack under control myself without the upheaval of a&e all the time.

He wasn't interested in helping me with my muscle problems or the fact that every time I reduce my pred I end up with another attack.

The consultant jyst basically didn't listen to me at all, only interested in what hr thinks and that's that.

Replies to: Massive Moan Alert - Ignorant Consultan!!!!


19 Apr 12


I am so sorry Angelica what an upset. I have been told that my spacer is as good as a nebuliser too. Well how come the first thing they reach for in an emergency is the neb???? They just do not listen to us and seem to have it all worked out before we even step in to the room.

I asked my consultant if I could possibly change from Symbicort to something else because I am just not under control and to me that means it is not working so why not try something else? He said he just dare not interfere with my meds even though they are not exactly working. He said his job is just to keep me safe and to prevent another catastrophic attack if possible. No thought of quality of life or even trying to make things better!

I just do not understand why they chose a specialist area if they are not interested. I just hope that some of them bother to read the posts on here they would have their eyes opened that's for sure.


19 Apr 12


Sounds like my con!!!think you need to take someone else with you next time!I had the same problem until I took my parents along.Basically I was told my next attack could be my last but he didn't know what to do!I'm too brittle for an action plan and ran out of steps, so I'm on the naughty step ;P.We also sent an official complaint,I've been let down really badly.Now I'm off to heartlands in 8 weeks.WOOHOO RESULT!

Good luck, and don't give up!

Kate x


19 Apr 12


It is not up to the consultant to deciede on funding for xolair but for your PCT. If you meet the criteria then I would push for the funding to be sought from your PCT, if need be write/contact your local PALS service, hospital chief executive and MP (and anyone else who will listen). Even if you do not meet the crieria your consultant can ask for named patient funding.


19 Apr 12


aww no Angelica, I would be really frustrated and cross and upset too in your shoes! I really hate it when they don't listen to anything you say or bother to actually respond - my first cons did this and I've since discovered he actually has a bit of a rep for it, so it wasn't just me thinking he was rubbish at communicating!

Just wondering if there is any way at all you can change your consultant? Or can you get referred to a specialist centre, if things are not under control? It doesn't sound like your current cons would do it but it can be done by GP...though on the other hand would need cons notes etc. Is your GP supportive - could you go to him/her and explain the problems? Or (and I know I say this a lot), maybe AUK adviceline could help? I rang them when I was referred back to a cons I'd seen before and didn't want to again (for pretty much the same reasons you don't like yours though she was less aggressive about it), and they were very helpful about telling me what to do, what my rights were (which I hadn't known eg could be referred absolutely anywhere, not just local) and if I had any further problems call them back and they'd tell me what to do next.

With the GP's help I did get that sorted and got a much more helpful cons. It seems like if you possibly can that might be something to look at given this cons is not being helpful and not budging, though I realise these things can be tricky.

oops sorry for long ramble, hope this helps a bit!


19 Apr 12


I should say he's done some blood tests and going to book me in for a barium swallow.

I'm more annoyed that he just wasn't interested in me or my issues, he's told me I won't get funding for xolair even if I meet the criteria for it and basically the meds I'm on are it.

Well if they're not controlling my asthma how can that be it?!?!

Sorry moan over, just really really disappointed and frustrated :-(


19 Apr 12


I should say he's done some blood tests and going to book me in for a barium swallow.

I'm more annoyed that he just wasn't interested in me or my issues, he's told me I won't get funding for xolair even if I meet the criteria for it and basically the meds I'm on are it.

Well if they're not controlling my asthma how can that be it?!?!

Sorry moan over, just really really disappointed and frustrated :-(

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1 Reply

What an absolute nightmare! I had a similar experience with a consultant psychiatrist :(

Have you thought about contacting PALS? I know people who have had a lot of help through PALS.


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