I am 20 years old and I have had asthma for about 5 years. It has gradually been getting worse since I started University 2 years ago and currently I take Symbicort (the SMART system) and Singulair tablets in the evening. I have just come off a 5 day treatment of 30mg of oral steroids (Presidolone?? if thats how you spell it) to treat a cough I have had for 3 weeks that got increasing worse until I was unable to sleep. I went back to the nurse today (a different surgery to the one who prescribed me the steroids) as the cough was improved by the steroids but not completely cleared and it is starting to return to its previous severity. She was really unhelpful and unsympathetic to the fact I am trying to revise for exams but can't get any sleep because of my coughing! All she could suggest was that I go to the pharmacy to get some day time cough medicine to supress the cough.
Has anyone else experienced this sort of cough where there is no chest infection? Are there any other treatments avaliable that would control my asthma better? Should I try and see someone other than an asthma nurse for this? I did have a really good nurse once but she has left unfortunately.
Thanks for listening! Im at the stage where I dont know what else to do!