Just escaped from my ""favourite London teaching hospital"" (note the sarcasm....) after another admission. I went to my doctors to try and get an appointment and ended up having an ambulance called as I had a severe attack. I deteriorated in the ambulance and was taken in to resus and given the standard nebs, IVs etc and was in a relatively good mood despite the doctor taking 5 attempts at an arterial blood gas and 3 attempts to cannulate me!
Anyway, I was sent to the clinical decision unit, was fine for a while, then in the night had another attack. I was really struggling and had desaturated to 89%. I had no inhaler and no nebs left for me, the nurses ignored me for a good 10 minutes then put a fan on next to me and left me again without any nebs! I eventually got one, and asked to see a doctor. The doctor eventually came and proceeded to tell me that (although he admitted to not being a specialist) there was loads that hadn't been tried in terms of asthma control (there isn't!) and that I will get better and stop suffering from brittle asthma - whilst perhaps nicely optimistic, it did not help as every day I am suffering with attacks and constant breathlessness that is getting worse and worse.
I felt like no-one understood me or the severity of my condition and I actually felt unsafe. The nurses had been warned that I am very brittle and to have a low treatment threshold for me, and yet I was left waiting whilst having a bad attack and was not given my correct regular medications at the right times. This is not the first time this has happened, I always deteriorate again after I get to the ward and always receive the same (lack of) treatment. As it is I don't go to hospital as often as I should (very silly I know) because I always have a horrible experience that leaves me refusing to go back.
Sorry for the rant, I guess I just need to get it all off my chest. Surely its not a good thing when you feel safer at home during a severe attack than in hospital!?
Hope you are all well,
Emz x