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Piko 1

17 Replies

Ok am sitting comfortably have got a script for one of these babies and it is on order from pharmacist. So tell me about them. I had a look on the web and they seem to be gadgety!


17 Replies

They a doddle Bex !!

One thing I've noticed is that it doesnt make me wheeze doing a reading with it whereas an old pf would !!

There fab Bex you can get a reading on them even when cant with the old ones which is quite often for us!!! there a dodle put the batery in and go, plus it tells you what zone your in red, yelow or green!!


andrea xxxx

Fab, does it take much setting up? I saw something about 2 weeks of readings when you are well (ha ha)


they are very good

pleased to hear you have been given a prescription for it, had to buy mine but considered worth it.

so easy to carry around


hi Bex,

have you got your Pico sorted out yet????????

I got one last month for my son Jayden and also ha touble working my way through the instructions at first. But once it is set up it's really easyto use.

jayden loves it

it's small and portable, it's electronic and it looks cool - just what every 11 year old boy should have!!!

i like it cos Jayden can't lie about the results, he can't delete them so I can see exactly whats going on. Wonder how long before it occurs to him to get someone else to do it for him at school. He He.

well have fun.


Hi everyone, excuse my ignorence but what is a pico?

And where could I buy one from

many thanks


Piko-1 is an electronic digital peak flow meter.

They *are* available to prescribe on an FP10 (standard NHS prescription), but your doctors may have differing views on prescribing them.

You can pick them up for about £20 online, I think I got mine from Medisave (where I get most of my kit from).

How big is the read out on them (font size if possible)? I have difficulty reading the normal peak flow meters. Its a pity I can't use the software on a Mac but if I could actually read what my peak flow is that would be fantastic.


The Peak Flow display is large and should be easy to read. The instruction booklet, however, is a totally different ball game!! A microscope would be useful for the instruction leaflet. I cant read it atall but have worked out how to use the meter without it. I dropped mine on the bathroom floor and it is not working so I am off to ask GP for another one on Monday!

ok sounds good to me tell me more please

Well I have my Piko and I am either a lot worse than I feel or doing it wrong. PF of 101 and FEV1 of .46 and I am still talking in sentences although admitedly not brillient. Thankfully one of the strange teens now inhabiting my lounge uses one he has ""tested"" mine (PF 402 FEV1 3.4 bahhhh) when I have sorted myself out after blowing myself into an splatt trying to get a better reading I will have another go. He says I did it right and I did print the directions for use off from the web and follow them.

Not so sure about this new gadget no room for ""that is nearer to 100 that 90 type thing"" and airy fairy PF's are OK hmmmm. I can hear my team uttering words like the piko never lies...


Bex hate to say this but piko never lies!!!!

keep safe hunny


Andrea xx

Right have just done it again post splatt nebs and my regular evening one (is that cheating) and the old PF is up to 140 the FEV1 .66 I dare not do more than 2 attempts but according to gadget guy, nicks friend I have good technique :) PF on normal PF meter was 110 but that was after 2 attempts on the Piko.

Right I promise no more posting of PF's or FEV1's suffice it to say that I suspect I need to fine tune my technique before I actually beleive my new gadget. If I go splatt tonight you can all say ""I told you so"".


Kids are fascinated by it and have all had several goes, should be interesting if anyone looks back over the history.


Bex dont worry on the website apparently there can be quite a difference between the piko and old non eu peak flow meters, there isnt such a marked difference at the higher end but for us who cant get very high it can be quite different.

Andrea xx

I had a new EU flow meter. I am not getting worried I am still talking which is usually a good sign. It will be interesting to track what happens after a week or 6 of IV amino when I feel pretty good and then see what happens, if it can help me predict splatts then it could prove invaluable. The problem is getting help before things end up in major splattage.

Mike (18) has a PF 774, this was the one who could not get from the front door to the car without needing a neb in the car when he was 6. And who cried over christmas after getting his first pair of football boots went out and 5 minutes outside lead to hospital admission and days of IV amino.


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