Hi everyone
Firstly I have to say how touched I was by all your replies to my message, sorry about causing a crying epidemic!
She had a fairly settled first night, had to have a few nebs and on high 02 but that’s to be expected at this stage, she’s still very groggy and sleepy but cons said it will take a while for the prolonged sedation to wear off.
Today I have to try and fill her in a bit, she still thinks its early July as she wrote on a pad to Lewis last night if he was looking forward to the summer break up from school, I told him not to correct her as she was not in a place to understand last night, so now I have to start feeding her bits to get her head around the time frame and how ill she has been.
I also have to go away with work next week, I am really glad that she is awake before I go, but now just don’t want to leave her, so its going to be very hard. Lewis will update her fb page for me, and Feejay & snowygirl said that they will put some updates on here, and she has her family with her so wont be alone.
It was nice that Lewis and her parents got to spend some time with her last night, as he was jumping all over the place with excitement bless him!, left her around 10ish as I felt I could sleep standing up by that point, esp after someone forgot to re-fill my adrenaline drip!!! lol
We are due to go away to Portugal in just under 3 weeks, so really hoping that she will get the all clear to go, as what better place to re-cuperate than a lovely private villa in the mountains, with nothing to do but rest and get well !
Thank you all once again, I had thought of disappearing into the background after this is over but a few ppl have asked me not to, cant think why lol, but will think about opening an account of my own and put the odd post up myself if people think that’s also ok?
take care everyone