1 year today :-D: Just though i would... - Asthma Community ...

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1 year today :-D

14 Replies

Just though i would share with you that i am very pleased and proud to announce that today is a 1 year that i have been paraplegic.

It has been very difficult to come to terms with and at times difficult to juggle with other health probs so taday is a day to celebrate ;-)

Stay safe

Rose xx

14 Replies

Indeed! Congratulations on all you have done to come to terms this year with rolling life!

I can't imagine what you have overcome in the last year but i think you are amazing for overcoming it! :)

I always say ""its amazing what one can do when one has no choice in the matter.."" ;-)

Rose, you are very brave and have a positive attitude - stay well and safe

look after yourself xx

Asthma-girl profile image

I can not imagine what challenges you have had to deal with over the last year, congratulations on overcoming them and for living your life to the full.

Stay safe and cherish every moment of your life.

Annista profile image

You're amazing! You have come to terms with a whole new, difficult, way of living to the extent that you can be ""pleased and proud"" to share with us all. That takes someone very special. Take a gold star and a big hug from someone who admires you hugely.

Well done Rose! Maybe this calls for a birthday cake!

Thanks everyone for all the encouraging comments! Life is about the good times more than the bad no matter what your personal ratio is! ;-)

Rose xx

An interesting philosophical idea occurred to me tonight (blame it on the insomnia!) ;-)

Doesnt everyone at some point wish hope and dream that they will live an extraordinary or incredible life? Maybe my life will be incredible no matter what I do or dont do or objectively achieve. Because Im living my life against incredible odds.

Its a nice idea anyway :-P

Stay safe all!

Rose xx

in reply to

...my life will be incredible no matter what I do or dont do or objectively achieve. Because Im living my life against incredible odds.

Hold onto that thought. Ithink it is spot on. It certainly is how I see you (granted from an internet distance, but still so).

Hey Beth can I get you on fb please? (cheeky...)

Rose xx

in reply to

Hey Beth can I get you on fb please? (cheeky...)

Rose xx

Not cheeky at all, but with no way to private message, there isn't a good way to exchange personal contact details.

What you have overcome in the last year and deal with every day never ceases to amaze me, especially the positive way in which you do it. You're an inspiration. All the best with the coming year. X

Arghh. Mods: whens the PM system for?

Very sensible answer Beth ;-)

Rose xx

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