Hello, I am new to this website and forum, but so glad I found it!
I was diagnosed with cough variant asthma some 11 years ago (39 now) and was never quite convinced that any of the dr's I was seeing were at all sure what to do with someone who wasn't wheezing.
I now have a veritable pharmacy in my bedroom - ventolin, cetirizine, lanzoprazole and singulair but am coughing constantly - very fed up with the lack of sleep and coughing so hard I am sick sometimes. The thing that used to work well for me was a steroid nasal spray which stopped post nasal drip, but I had awful nose bleeds and susequently discovered a small hole in the middle part of ny nose where the flesh has been eroded (yes, v yuk). The consultant claimed this was not related, but quite how it can have happened on it's own and by pure co-incidence I can't see.
I was chatting to a pharmacist in the States last week, and was telling him about it - he was telling me about a couple of things they use there which I am going to ask my GP about. One is an anti tussive suspension cough medicine called Tussinc which calms the cough reflex (short term use only apparently), and a new inhaled steroid called Flovent. I struggle with any inhalers as they make me cough my head off (!!) but he said it's more common in the States to use a nebuliser to take them when that's the case - never been given that option by my GP although I did buy a nebuliser on-line when I was pregnant as we live quite far from a hospital.
He also said it was worth trying nasalcrom (UK equivalent is rhinocrom) which works as an anti allergy nasal spray but doesn't have the nasty side effects I got last time.
Anyway - might be worth a try so watch this space.....................
i feel better just for having let off steam!
Anyone else out there with CVA and tips as to what works?
Kind regards