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Montelukast advice

18 Replies

Hi there - my daughter has just started on montelukast (she is 7 and also has seretide daily) and we are struggling to find a way to fit it into our routines. It says it must be taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after food. She is very active and needs a snack after school and then tea. She is in bed less than 2 hours after tea. Any advice on when you fit it into your day would be helpful. Waking her early and then making her wait an hour for breakfast seems cruel as she is always starving when she wakes up. Thanks Sarah

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18 Replies

I just take mine at night before going to bed and have had no problems

Hi Sarah

My son Ollie is 3 he's been on Montelukast for nearly a year. We were told to give it to him late afternoon. So we try to give it to him between 3 -4 pm. That way we've usually got an hour before dinner!!!! It doesn't always work and sometimes he eats in under an hour but usually only a snack. Althogh it's getting harder now he's at pre-school as he wants dinner earlier as he's tired. two hours after eating is virtually impossible as he's in bed within 2 hours of eating!!!

I'm not sure how eating within the hour affects the tablet - but i've not noticed any problems when we've got it wrong.

Hope that helps


Hi Sarah

Just had a thought - is there any way she could take it at school? Does her school have an afternoon break - that way it would be long enough after lunch and an hour before snack!!! I know that it would mean ensuring that it's remembered every day.


you are all so helpful -it does say on the instructions evening but there isnt usually 2 hours before tea and bed due to work and other stuff. A friend who is a nurse says it wont be quite as effective if her stomach isnt empty and we want to be absolutely spot on with it this first month to tell if it is working. I also wondered about having it at school in the afternoon but as a Primary School Teacher myself I know this can be difficult. It has made me realise we have become quite slack with our eating habits and how much we snack. Perhaps this is just what we need to sort our diets out!

Can I ask does anyone know if the effect of it builds up over time or does each 'hit' work independently.

I really appreciate all your help. thanks Sarah



My 15 year old daughter takes hers just before bed.

Its difficult to say whether its helped because her inhalers have been chopped and changed that many times in the last 2 months.


KateMoss profile image


I have just looked at the leaflet for my Singulair, I take the 10mg tablet as I am over 15yrs, and it states take one in the evening / at bedtime, with or without food as instructed by your doctor.

It is meant to be taken at bed time and not the morning.

is it different for 5mg doses???

Could she take it as she goes to bed?

Hope this helps


montelucast advice

hi ,

my daughter is5 years old and has been taking montelucast for 3 years now. we too have had the same problems as she is a big snacker but at the moment we have the ideal solution. I have made an arrangement with school and they now give it to her at 2.30pm as it's 2 hours after thier lunch and she can then have a snack when she comes home from school as she's usually starving by then! I hope this helps as we've found its our ideal solution.



As mentioned by others, I take Montelukast just before going to bed and we also give it to the kids on the ward at bedtime. I looked on the Singulair website and it states

""Take this medication by mouth, usually once daily with or without food or as directed by your doctor. This medication can be taken before/during/after a meal. If you are taking this medication for ongoing asthma, take your dose in the evening. If you are taking this medication for allergies (allergic rhinitis), take your dose at about the same time each day (either morning or evening). If you are taking this drug for both asthma and allergies, take your dose in the evening.""

Hope this helps


I agree that 2.30 at school seems ideal. My only concern is that it says quite clearly on the box label and inside instructions to take at night. Does anyone know if it makes a difference? Thanks for all your suggestions. They really are helpful. thanks Sarah

at night

my three years old son is using it for a year I usually give it at night before sleep


Hi All

I'm confused - we've been told that we should give Montelusast at night but ""1 hour before food or 2 hours afer food"" - this means that we usually give it at 3.30 - 4pm - as that's the only time we can get it on an empty stomach and before 3 year-old in bed!!!

Reading posts - it says that you can take with foood!!!!

I'm confused - does it make a difference if taken with food or on an empty stomach!!! It would make life easier if i could give it before bed.

when I have been in hospital they give it on night med rounds so can be anything from 9.30pm onwards. don't really think it metters if taken on empty stomach or with food., As saiud take mine just before bed or whenever take eve meds which varys from 8 onwards.

hi, my son is a 'grazer' so is constantly eating from wake-sleep. We just give him it last thing before bed as directed by the doctor. I too got a little worried when I read the leaflet as there is never an hour or two of before eating, but was just told to give it to him before bed. It is working for us.

hi my 16 mnth old daughter was admitted 2 hospital last week wiv severe wheezing n increased sob,they wnt say shes gt asthma bt theyve nw put her on becotide and have suggested montelukast????? does this come in any other forms than a chewy tablet for children????

I think we are going to settle for taking it last thing at night about 7.30 just before bed. We can make that work for 4 nights of the week if we stick to an early tea and no Snacks! The 2 nights she does gym shes going to have it half way through the session (as handily they cant eat in the middle of training!), she has tea really late those nights. The other night I have a staff meeting and tea is latish, she can have the tablet at bedtime about an hour and a half after tea. I think we will have to settle for that.

Lots of people seem to asking does it make a difference if taken with food - the adult tablets may be different but it says very clearly on the childrens ones both on the pharmacy label and the long instructions inside - at night, one hour before or 2 hours after food. My guess is if the Pharmacy bother to put it on their little printed bit it does matter. It is something to ask when we go back in a month!

You have all been brilliant! I feel more informed now.

To the lady with the 16 month old - my daughter says they are lovely like sweets so I think she'll take them fine as a tablet.

And a final question - do you think they work?

Answer to your question,

'do you think they work?'

For Isaac , yes definately but it doesn't seem to work for everyone. very strange. Our doc said it seems to work more for children than it does for adults but it is hit or miss really. Worth trying at the end of the day.

It does come in a powder form that can be added to food!?! but my son says they are his speacial cherry sweets (doesn't have sweets so thinks it is a bed time treat LOL) and they are obviously tasty

Hi Sarah

do they work - we haven't noticed a great difference since Ollie started them - i think they either work for you or they don't - i also think (read somewhere) that they are more effective on one type of asthma than the other -but i can't remember which (sorry).

We're seeing consultant in a couplle of weeks so i'll ask her about timings with regard to food at least i might be able to find out what the reason for taking on empty stomach is.

hope they work for your daughter.


Hi Sarah

do they work - we haven't noticed a great difference since Ollie started them - i think they either work for you or they don't - i also think (read somewhere) that they are more effective on one type of asthma than the other -but i can't remember which (sorry).

We're seeing consultant in a couplle of weeks so i'll ask her about timings with regard to food at least i might be able to find out what the reason for taking on empty stomach is.

hope they work for your daughter.


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