My 14 year old daughter got a cold, the 2nd week of January. We doubled her dose of the purple inhaler in the morning and the evening as we normally do when she has a cold. She started to be sick a couple of times in the night (just phlegm), which is quite normal for her when she has a cold. However she started to be sick in the day as well.
We took her to the docs on 27/1 and he said she had bronchitis and gave her 5 days of antibiotics and 5 days of the pink dissolvable tablets (only five tablets per dose). She continued to be sick 3 or 4 times per day, phlegm only every time so we took her back to the docs who said it was not on her chest anymore but the viral infection was still there and she just had to wait for it to go.
Since then we have been backwards and forwards so many times and the doc sent a phlegm sample off to the hospital which came back clear. We have been monitoring her peak flow for nearly four weeks now and it is all over the place. After this the doc final said it was her asthma causing the problem and gave her montelukast tablets and referred my daughter to hospital. After just four days of the tablets she stopped being sick though her peak flow didn’t change much. We worked out that my poor daughter had been sick 3 or 4 times a day for 31 days continuously up until this point!
Last Saturday we received a letter from the hospital saying they had cancelled our hospital appointment because they didn’t think it was the correct course of action. We were distraught and on Monday we went to see the doc. It turned out that the receptionist had referred my daughter to the wrong hosp dept! It was sorted and we now have an appointment on the 3rd April. As this is so far away we asked for more steroid tablets (the wonderful asthma nurse for asthma UK told us exactly what to ask for) and he prescribed 7 days worth of 8 of those pink dissolvable steroid tablets (after a considerable amount of pushing from us).
Her peak flow is a little better but she still has to take her blue inhaler loads each day. If she laughs, sneezes, walks upstairs etc. etc. she needs her inhaler and she is so so tired all the time. Ive keep reading that a blue puff should last 4 hours but she seems to need two puffs straight away to stop her from coughing and it only lasts until she moves again.
What I was wondering is does anyone else throw up phlem rather than be breathless with their asthma and can anyone give us some advice on how to deal with this until her hospital appointment. We are distraught and don’t know what to do to help her and she has missed so much school.