My daughter is 12 and has not has an attack for about 18 months, but she is really suffering with an attack which is proving difficult to bring under control. She is using the salamol between 4-8 times a day. I asked the GP what had triggered the attack but he was very vague about what had started it again. I could do with more information.
I spoke to a friend at college who is a GP and she informed me that because the weather had been so wet that the fungi had spore early and that alot of peoples asthma was active.
I would like to know what extactly what she causing her asthma at the moment because it is upsetting her as she is aways tired and just wants to the back to her normal. I asked the doctor about testing and his words were that we know what causes her asthma, dust and animals. Is unreasonable to ask for this test? Has anyone had a rast test? We live near a major a road which lorrys use to avoid a weak bridge and I have been wondering whether the polluation has played a large part becuase it has been so cloudy and wet. I feel the GP is not taking me seriously. I really want a test done. I'm I a fussing mum? Why don't GP want to help is it because on money?