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Horse allergy and home situation

ju-ju- profile image
23 Replies

Hello, I am not very active on here, apologies...but I dip in and out from time to time.

I am keen to pick your brains about my home situation; My issue is that I am really allergic to horses, and my daughter now has 2. I had a nasty asthma attack 2 years ago following when they came back from an event and were really covered in the hair, but havent had another since. I am on Fostair, and do take a fair whack of Ventolin. When she first got one we had a box outside that she would put everything in, and that mostly worked. We also agreed that we would build an extension with a seperate area for all her stuff. However, now the box outside has gone to the yard, and the money for the extension has nearly gone- some of it spent on the new horse.

The only room in my house that is 'safe' is my bedroom, and everywhere else makes me so wheezy and allergised ( runny nose, sneeze, itchy throat and irritable etc) that I am constantly puffing on my ventolin, and I am at my wits end, I just don't want to live in a house that makes me ill with people that make me ill. My husband does everything with my daughter for the horses, as I cant.

I appreciate that there isn't really much to say about all that, but I needed to vent with people who would understand as my family just don't get it.



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ju-ju- profile image
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23 Replies

Wow. That must be really hard. I have just a bit of an understanding, as I am somewhat allergic to my family's dog, and I am allergic to our miniature ponies. Although, I suppose right now a lot of things are affecting my asthma and allergies - don't know what's going on. I wonder if there are other medications that would help? Since you can't really escape the allergen/trigger, maybe you could ask your doctor about a medication (or allergy shot) to help your body handle being around it all the time. I don't know... I'm not a doctor. Sorry if this isn't helpful. Just a thought.

I'm praying for you,


ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju- in reply to DaughteroftheKing

Thanks so much that is really helpful, and I am so sorry for your allergies too. Good idea about the allergy shot, I hadn’t thought of that one. I will ask. Thanks so much again- really helpful x

59er profile image

Hi Ju-ju,

It must be very difficult for you. I'm asthmatic but nowhere near as bad as you. I think I'm affected by dog's hair which I can feel creeping up on me when my daughter brings her dog round and I fuss over him. We've always had dogs and I miss having one. It's not so good if you don't actually like the animal that's affecting you. I used to have horses/ponies and I can sympathise - I was never horse mad but knew a lot of people who were. As far as the kit goes would it be an idea to start up with the box again or maybe one of those sturdy plastic type garden 'wardrobes' (just outside the back door) where she keeps boots, hat, bridle and all other paraphernalia and washes her clothes as soon as she gets back. Or perhaps a better idea would be for her to have a small room just by the utility room if you have one so she can easily change and put her clothes straight in the machine. I'd say this was fair. You'd obviously have to be ultra organised with having plenty of clean joddies and all of the other clobber but once the habit is formed it could make a huge difference, at least you'd be able to 'live' in your house again.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju- in reply to 59er

Thanks so much, I think this is what I need to do. We had the big outdoor box that I put everything in and that did work, but she took that to the yard. To be fair she has seen how ill I get and has started putting her stuff in a bin bag when she gets home. Sadly I dont have a utility room but the extension was going to have one....

59er profile image
59er in reply to ju-ju-

How about a shed? Nowhere near as expensive as an extension. You could even put a second hand washing machine out there solely for 'horse's clothes?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju- in reply to 59er

That is a good idea. We do have a shed but its full of my husbands tools. I think I need to have a word with him...

59er profile image
59er in reply to ju-ju-

I think you do too! 😉

SuzyKK profile image

Oh no! Honestly take it seriously... I thought I could control my 'hay fever' allergy symptoms... Which then developed into asthma reactions... Still I kept my cat, my dog, lived near fields... Now at 60 I am classed as having COPD... & use symbicort daily... I wonder how all the medication has has affected me... The breathing def has an adverse affect on my running...

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju- in reply to SuzyKK

gosh thats tough... I struggle with my running too, so I just do gentle runs as if I push myself too much I pank and then I cant breathe.

SuzyKK profile image
SuzyKK in reply to ju-ju-

Yes! Sometimes I can really panic as can't actually catch my breath... think I need to try & go back to the breathing I did when first running... read it somewhere... breathing in & out through my nose only - it does slow one down but also keeps breathing under control...

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju- in reply to SuzyKK

I have learnt to do that, and I always run slowly, which I am really happy about as the plan is to keep going every day...

Poobah profile image

I'm allergic to most animals but since I started Montelukast I can tolerate the family cats a lot more.

I used to ride and had a pony in my teens. I took Intal which really helped but I'd still have to be super careful. I would always change in the porch when I got home, limiting what I brought into the house. I would have a really good wash straight away too in order to rid myself of horse. Basically I tried to leave everything at the door. My mum would look after the laundry so I didn't have any contact there.

I never groomed the pony in a stable - everything was done outdoors. I had brittle asthma then and I suspect that I desensitised over time but my consultant at the time was emphatic about keeping the Intal doses regular.

Sounds like your daughter needs a better regime for limiting her impact on all areas of the house. As you say, after a day with horses, don't come into the house wearing clothing that has been exposed to horses. Always shower on coming home and do own laundry (maybe at laundrette). Having two horses is a big responsibility so she can take it one step further by ensuring her hobby is kept outside the house as much as possible.

I know how much you feel conflicted, as your daughter is probably mad about her horses and you want her to be happy but your health is much more important. She's old enough to be responsible for two horses, she's old enough to take responsibility for keeping everything horse outside the home.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju- in reply to Poobah

thankyou thats really helpful advice. Her whole world is horses, she really struggles at school and this has kept her going and given her a focus that has got her through. I will have a chat with her about how to manage it better...

Sparkywoo profile image

Have you tried Fexofenadine? It’s a prescription antihistamine and definitely helps me with my allergies to animals. Monyelukasts don’t work for me but might be worth a try too. Think you definitely need to get them to organise the shed!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju- in reply to Sparkywoo

Thankyou I am going to book up with my asthma nurse and discuss options. I haven't been for ages but its about time I took charge....

ChrissieMons profile image

I actually feel quite cross on your behalf. You and your health are more important than your daughter’s hobby. I am highly allergic to horses, and when my daughter rode, we had a separate place for all her gear and she went straight in the shower when she came home. You should not have to take extra drugs to cope - your family should appreciate your suffering and be less selfish. Stand up for yourself if you can, or get someone to stand for you.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju- in reply to ChrissieMons

Thankyou so much. I had a meltdown at my mums last week and she was angry on my behalf too. I need to get tougher with them as it can feel like they just dont care. I feel for you, its so horrible having bad allergies, it can make life so miserable.

ChrissieMons profile image

Mums on the warpath can be a huge help - good luck to you both.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju- in reply to ChrissieMons

my mum is amazing... this is so true :)

hilary39 profile image

I'm like you so know there are other people out there as allergic as you! Pet hair on clothes sets me off so much we actually can't even have people stay with us who have pets as the dander gets everywhere in our tiny apartment and I had some really bad asthma episodes last year after various guests who have cats that led to me being on prednisone for months and really screwing up my adrenal glands.

It's hard because we often feel guilty asking people to make accommodations but in this case, I think it's absolutely appropriate. It shouldn't be too much work for your daughter to keep her clothing, saddles, horse stuff etc. outside especially if you can problem solve a solution like a shed etc.

I think it would make sense for her to (1) keep all her stuff in the shed (2) take off her horse hair-covered clothes and boots when she gets home and put them in there (3) shower after she's ridden. Your husband can be in charge of washing the clothes. (You could even get a separate used washer/dryer combo just for horse-y clothes if that's an option). Then could you air purifiers and use a HEPA vaccum around the house to help pick up the horse dander that's already there? Could you hire a professional cleaning crew to do a big deep clean of the house to help get out some of the horse dander? It sounds like she's tracked it everywhere.

You have to advocate for yourself as no one else can and asthma attacks can be deadly. I know you know that, just reminding you as a note of support and affirmation since it can be hard to make and enforce firm requests about something that seems so baffling and invisible to other people.

I empathize, I really do! My allergies and asthma dictate and limit so much of my day-to-day life.

Take care and let us know what you decide-

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju- in reply to hilary39

Thankyou, and I totally empathise with you as I know how awful it feels.....great ideas, and I have been sent a link for a dehumidifier with a HEPA filter and I am going to invest. I have a mask that I wear at home for housework involving dust which is really effective... I hope you are well at the moment?

golden-retriever profile image

How about booking your family in with the asthma nurse and let her explain it to them directly?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju- in reply to golden-retriever

That is a great idea....

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