Wondering how knee pain started off for everybody. Currently mine only comes on during running, going up and down stairs and after sitting cross legged. It is a dull kind of pain and hurts when I press on it, it’s on the outside of my knee. Could it still be osteoarthritis?
Worried that the pain in my knees is oste... - Arthritis Action
Worried that the pain in my knees is osteoarthritis?

Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t - we’re not diagnosticians here so a physio might tell you.
Regardless of the diagnosis, you’d do well to research self care for your aches and pains, for instance from Arthritis Action’s website.
Osteoarthritis in knees is a common complaint, about 13% of women and 10% of men over 60 have it. It goes up of course if you look at people over 70 …… A lot of friends complain about their stiff knees. There are exercises that help.
Ask for an x-ray, and as piglette says there are lots of exercises online for all sorts of knee issues.
Hi there, this could be early arthritis , however if you are a runner it could be many things and maybe purely muscular, or circulation or other things. A specialist physio might be able to advise rather than visiting your doctor. There are exercises on line , plus many support items for knees and Arthritis Action on line has videos too with advice.
I'm concerned about my knee pain too. I don't feel it during the day, only at night and it keeps me awake. 🙄Do I need to book a doctors appointment?