Hi does anyone else suffer from severe fatigue due to arthritis? I have arthritis in my toe knees hip Osteoarthritis that is but I'm The constantly knackerd the more I do the more I slow down and on occasions I get wipe out when I just can't physically do no more and have to lay down whether I like it or not. Nothing is helping I try to exercise but then I'm wiped out for the day I have had blood test but nothing shows up. Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.
Fatigue : Hi does anyone else suffer from... - Arthritis Action

Yes fatigue can be the worst aspect of any type of Arthtitis. I have RA and OA along withseveral other conditions. It doesn't work for me, but some people find that exercise helps, as it strengthens muscles and builds stamina.

Thank you. I heard the same but when I do exercise it wipes me out, I try to walk as much as I can and I have young Children that keep me on my toes but I’m just knackered all the time I started thinking there was something seriously wrong with me but then I did a bit or research and noticed people with RA can have severe fatigue yet it does not say anything about OA Thank you for your input.
When I did too much all in one go I wore myself out, have learnt to pace myself now, so I tell myself I don't have to get anything done all at once. I have OA in my hips.
As your GP ruled out other causes? Yes arthritis can be a cause of fatigue but there can be other causes which are easily corrected. Safest policy would be to speak to your GP.
I spoke to Gp who gave me blood test and said I was low on a certain vitamin which I cannot remember he gave me vitamin replacements which I’m still on but other then that Dr said there was nothing wrong.
I would recommend asking for a copy of your blood tests (in the UK you are legally entitled to see them). Low vitamins can cause severe fatigue, iron (ferritin), vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin d etc. I speak from personal experience. Unfortunately GPs will tell you you are fine if you are within range with vitamins but in range could mean you are right at the bottom or top of the range and being right at the bottom, particularly of the vitamins I mentioned, can mean you do suffer terrible symptoms and you will only be well if you get to mid range or above. Fortunately, if you get a copy of your results and find you are bottom of the range on any of the vitamins, it’s very easy to correct without a doctors help as you can buy good quality vitamins online (don’t go for supermarket multi vitamins, they’re normally bit great quality).