How long does it take for Fentanyl Patches to work. I am in absolute agony
Fentanyl Patches for pain relief. - Arthritis Action
Fentanyl Patches for pain relief.

"After the patch is applied, the serum concentration of drug rises slowly. Evaluation of analgesic effect should therefore only be made at least 24hrs after first application or change in dose."
Oh Thankyou so much for answering my question about Fentanyl. It's just that I am in agony and hoped that it would work in a couple of hours, but all it's done up until now is make me feel so giddy and done nothing to ease the pain.i also have a problem breathing. I guess I was expecting too much too soon.I was taken off the Butrans Patches 6 days ago and I expect part of how I feel is due to withdrawal symptoms..Once again Thankyou 😊.
Thank you for that link Pete. I'm on Fentanyl patches too, 25mcg and 12 mcg. I know I'm not supposed o change them until 72 hours, but I find I need to do it after 48 hours. The info in the downloaded document explained somewhat why the pain relief dipped, and I want to try leaving them the full 72 hours or as near as.