Following a flare up of arthritis in the knee I am finding it so painful to walk that have gone in 3 weeks from someone going out a lot using buses etc to someone who only takes a few steps. Is this familiar to anyone - its pain when put foot on the ground which then goes up to hip. Thanks
It hurts to walk so much hardly going out... - Arthritis Action
It hurts to walk so much hardly going out - any advice?

Hi there, your story is like mine. In April I got a pain in my inside of of my right leg never had before, could not weight bear especially on steps, Dr said tear in the ligament referred for MRI scan, which went astray but was rebooked. With painkillers the pain reduced some 10 top 12 weeks later the Scan suggested cartilage failure & OA of the knee. The pain is still in the side of my leg and I have an orthopeadiac appointment for September. I tripped this week and injured my foot and twisted the same knee so I am in more pain again. Its just like you explain going from being active to almost immobile , I am used to pain as I have OA and gout but this is not just pain on movement its constant made worse by standing/ walking , is that how yours is . It seems to take forever to get a diagnosis let alone treatment. Hope you can get yours sorted quicker than I did. Let me know How you go on.
Oh dear about the time it is taking you to get help, and about the trip, but great to share with someone who understands. My pain on rest is not as bad as yours, and ice pack (frozen peas) or NSAID ointment helps to make it manageable. . It is the pain on walking and the restrictions it brings that I am finding so difficult. Please keep in touch..
Sorry for delay, how did appointment go on Friday? I am still struggling with my leg /knee. It will be even worse this coming week as I have to go out every day, no rest. Glad to hear your leg is improving a little.
Am also going out every day next week, but either have lift arranged or will get a minicab as just cannot walk to bus stop and use public transport which is the major change for me, and pain is so up and down. My GP appointment is next Friday and will contact you than. Have an enjoyable week.
Good luck at the doctors I have an appointment for the 20th to do with another matter. Short break next week so will check your posts when I get back if don't speak before then. We have a ring & ride service here for those with mobility issues it is around two pounds door to door cheaper than taxis but not as reliable and you have to book at a certain time, first come first served basically. Its now run by national express.
Visit Lots of advice on website and free helpline.
Yours and Katieoxo’s stories are so like mine. I am 60. Semi-retired a year ago to do so much. It has been disappointing to say the least to find myself disabled with knee problems and ‘starburst’ pains in joints. After 4 years of fighting finally diagnosed with osteoarthritis. It probably started 10 years ago.
A tiny bit of me is mourning my lost youth but the rest is arranging what I can do.
I have to sit down to literally recharge my batteries during daily life. I am applying for a blue card to use when things are worst. I am waiting now for orthopaedic referral and feel optimistic my walking will be improved eventually.
I invited friends round for company and crafting at home. Its important to socialise. But it was hard to rest. I was in great pain afterwards but it was worth it! Social media provides information, support and shopping. Seeing people who understand is vital! And good pain relief!!!
X ray showed a bit of arthritis in hips and no cartelege at all in knee, plus a bit of thinning of the bones so now referred to orhopaedic surgeon and to have bone density scan. The excrutiating pain as gone as suddenly as it came and I am back to the duller knee pain I can cope with. Agree with you Emmeline3 of the importance of keeping going, even whilst my pain was at its worst I arranged a few visitors to come. The balance between doing too little and risking depression and doing too much and risking pain is all part of it perhaps?
So glad your pain has abated. As I stand pain bearable for me today. I have to stop snd start every activity and rest between so all takes much longer. But glad I can find ways. Good luck with orthopods consultation and enjoy less pain times!
I think the unpredicablity is another part of the problem but I am learning, as you have learnt, that pacing is important.

We're sorry to hear that you're having a tough time with the flare up and hope that things are better now. Like you said, managing pain and fatigue along with pacing your physical activities is very important and we've put together a guide to help you with some things you can do on your own to manage your arthritis better:
Hope this helps!