Hi there
I have PSA and sometimes suffer from muscle cramps associated with fibromyalgia sufferers as I also suffer from that little gem. However, I was wondering if anyone has ever had a foot go numb? I woke up thinking I must have been sleeping awkwardly but as I got out of bed and tried to walk my leg felt like jelly and sent me flying.
If I hold my foot off the ground I can't tilt it upwards, and now I am on day 7 of being numb my foot feels swollen and like the toes could burst if I tried to move them. I have muscle spasms in the calf but the numbness is mainly foot only, with pain in the calf.
My GP thinks it could be a vascular 'thing' but isn't entirely sure I am having some tests on Tuesday. I just wondered if anyone on here had had something similar happen to them, after all, PSA with all its side effects and other illnesses associated with it can be quite obscure, So any information would be wonderful please, I admit to being rather scared by all of this.
Thank you all x x x