I have carpal tunnel, it started about 3 month ago, i have had 1 phone call with my doc which was 3 weeks ago, and 1call with a physio who sent me some hand exercises (which don't seem to be doing a lot of good) ,my next call with her is in 2 weeks. i suffer mainly at night my thumb and fingers go numb and "tingly" i have a splint that i wear and sleep with my arm/hand on a pillow ,but one or twice a night i have to get up and heat a wheat bag in the microwave, this helps a bit, is there anything else i could do to help. thanks now for any replies.
CARPAL TUNNEL: I have carpal tunnel, it... - Arthritis Action
Hi, See you posted before about this - unfortunately not much more you can do - if the exercises and painkillers don’t help - NHS site seems to imply paracetamol and Ibruprofen don’t do much.,
I took co-codamol before my joint replacement surgeries - didn't become addicted.....so maybe just take them before bed.
They do say a steroid injection from GP may help - but the issue at the moment is actually getting to see a GP - if things are the same in Durham as they are in Dorset!
Thanks what i've read about co codamol i am wary of taking them i take one first thing of a morning when the pain seems to be the worst i would get to see the queen before i could see my doc.
Hello I know how you feel keep going to doctor telling them it still hurting
Difficult time with the virus at large for face to face appointments. I can only tell you my experiences. Same problems you describe, worse at night and I couldnt hold a book or my tablet comfortably either. Shaking my hand eased it but it just kept coming back. I let it go on for much longer than 3 months hoping it would go away.
I mentioned it to rheumatology (long before Covid) and was sent to for tests. Had electrodes stuck to various sites and small shocks done, the results came back for carpal. I ended up with surgery and since thats been done my hand is fine, numbness, pain and tingling gone.
The other hand needs doing as well but I keep it putting it off. The surgeon wanted to book me in before I left theatre last time but I said no I'll have it done later. Nothing I tried helped, surgery was the only solution for me.
Maybe its something you could discuss with your doctor for future reference when things settle down.
Nerve conductive test to confirm carpal tunnel , have you had this?....My hands wake me up the pain is excruciating!
No i haven't had anything except 2 phone consultations yes mine is worse at night.
It definitely sounds like carpal tunnel. You are doing everything you can at the moment. You need the conductive tests to confirm it. Then your options are steps injection which could help or surgery. I had surgery and it helped. Took me about three weeks recovery time.