Hi Everyone,
I’ve been suffering with pain in my hands for a couple of years, when I first approached my GP (I was 27) he was quite disparaging and said it was probably just repetitive strain injury as my job involved typing. No advice on reducing the impact etc so I just carried on.
Around 6 months ago the pain started to become unbearable at certain times of the day and I’ve noticed that I’m losing dexterity in my fingers (I’m struggling with fine motor skills, sewing for example) and my grip in both hands is weak. I saw my GP (different one as have moved house) who referred me for bloods as my mom has osteoarthritis and an unspecified auto-immune issue (they thought she had lupus or rheumatoid arthritis but determined it wasn’t either)
Bloods weren’t conclusive, when I rang for the results the receptionist tersely told me that my bloods were fine and doctor didn’t want to see me. I know I should have argued however I work full time teaching, I’m completing my Master full time all while looking after my family and I just don’t have the energy (possibly also due to the fact I feel awful!)
However my doctor then wrote to me to say she needed to see me urgently. I saw the GP who advised my Vit D is low but she doesn’t feel that this is the source of the pain in my hands so has now referred me to rheumatology.
The pain in my hands makes me feel sick, my thumb joint on both hands is the worse and then I have paid in the knuckles across both hands. Once I’ve finished for the day and I ‘stop’ my hands just throb and when I’m lying in bed they feel red hot and like they are pulsing if that makes sense. I feel so run down, not helped by the fact I also seem to have developed an allergy to something environmental (dust etc) so I constantly feel like I’ve got a cold, doc recommended taking 10mg Loradatine a day, I’m having to take 20mg just to be able to function otherwise I’m constantly sneezing.
I feel utterly fed up and I’m terrified that I’m going to go to the hospital and they will say they can’t help me.
Apologies for the massive moan, I just have no one to talk to about this.
Ha anyone else had a similar experience trying to find out what is wrong? Xx