I've been struggling for two years with this. I've seen two rheumatologists and both tell me the pain i feel is a lie and not possible. I'm not trying to diagnose myself but i suspect OA. Which is hard to consider right? With my age and all. That's what they tell me, "you're too young." but since when did the age matter so much? It is possible. When i was young i had an injury to my left collarbone in football with no pads, it was almost like a fracture the pain WAS SO UNBEARABLE. Well i got a splint and it healed but when it healed my left collarbone had a dent in it, it's pushed inwards towards me. It didnt cause any problems at first but now i think it is. I've researched maluions i think it's called and these can cause OA. A bone healing improperly can cause arthritis changes. Injury can cause arthritis. I used to a very active person playing basketball after the injury. But i can't even do that anymore or play guitar which was my dream. I have crunching in all my joints, not loud kind but the kind you feel whenever you move. I get burning sensations when my toes crack or my neck does, my spine will burn them travel to my tailbone them to my rib cage and sternum. My neck makes this pop rocks sound and gives my skull (the base side) a big headache and my collarbones feel like their weighing on me and a bone has spurred in the middle of my sternum chest. I mean you can clearly see the changes in my body but everyone calls me crazy and no one will help bc im so young. My life is being ruined. They could at least do an ultrasound to check but no one acts like that is possible. All my blood test are normal, x-rays, CT. But they still refuse to xray my left collarbone. The worse is everyone around me expects me to be normal bc i have no diagnosis so im put in a position to fail everyone and suffer at the same time.
19 years old and suffering : I've been... - Arthritis Action
19 years old and suffering
So sorry to hear about your troubles, l was 15/16 when my Ankolosing spondylitis started to cause problems but probably another 7 years before firm diagnosis You are going to have to be firm and persist with this until somebody listens, and believe me there are many young people out there with major arthritic problems, good luck and try to be focused on a solution
Thank you for sharing your story and sorry to hear this has been a difficult journey for you Lilynette . We know that age should not affect your diagnosis or how seriously your reporting pain should be taken, and we hear you - it must be so frustrating! We want to echo what Bluebirdanthony said about persevering. We would also urge you to speak to a physical therapist (physiotherapist, osteopath, etc) to get some further support and to help you keep your mobility. Exercise is crucial to maintaining your health, managing inflammation and even long-term pain, so a physical therapist could advise you on what to do and how much exercise to undertake.
We have resources on our website, if you are looking for information: arthritisaction.org.uk/livi...
We wish you best of luck and keep us posted on your progress. We'll keep our fingers crossed you get the issues addressed soon!
Arthritis Action's Communications Officer
When OA starts in you you will know for sure. Your joint will starte as being a little achy. Over time you'll see redness and start to ache more. Mine didn't start on me til I was in my late 30s, I'm now in my 40s The OA started in my hands first the progressed to my feet. Later on it started in my knees, sholders,and spine as well. It can be very unbearable on your bad days. I have some days I can barely move. It can get bad. Good luck figuring out what it is that you're experiencing.