I'm a bit confused. I've been told that nothing has shown on the xrays of my hands except 'unusual bone structure'. No joint damage. But that the rheumatologist's best guess is 'early wear and tear'. So what is wear and tear then? I thought it was OA. But I thought OA showed up on xrays. So, can you have osteoarthritis that doesn't show on an xray?? Does anyone have experience of this? Thanks
Wear and Tear: I'm a bit confused. I've... - Arthritis Action
Wear and Tear

Im in the same boat I had lower back pain for a few months so I decided to shift my butt to the Dr's to get it checked out. I was sent for a xray and a few days later I phoned for the results and I was told I had 'wear and tear' in my lower spine. I'm guessing that means in not gonna get any better I wish now I asked the Dr what that actually means. It was only afterward that I clicked that wear and tear of joints is OA but the Dr didn't say OA so I'm still in the dark with my diagnosis
Hi when they say wear and tear I get really angry because they are simplyfying it. Wear and tear is what causes it, I had it for yrs and when the pain became unbearable I had another visit to the GP and said I felt patronised by him alway's telling me I had wear and tear and we both knew that was the cause but I wanted it to be on my records as osteo arthritis which is the true medical term, I also wanted more xrays to let me know how far it had progressed. Sorry for the rant but it's as if they've been told to play it down, but when you're in bed crying with pain, wear and tear just doesn't cut it
Rosie 😊 xx
I know! I was told "a bit of wear and tear at worst" at my first rheumatology appt. I felt like saying your "little bit of wear and tear" is affecting every aspect of my life!! Grrr
Hi Rosie. X-rays only show bones. You need an MRI. which can be obtained through an Consultant Rheumatologist. First, a Referral from your GP. Don’t be put off if GP says
Wear & Tear. I had a similar problem ( had it for years) grad. Getting much worse
I refused to take Codeine related drugs, as they are addictive & doesn’t solve problem.
Eventually, got a referral to a Rheumatologist on the NHS. He would not give treatment until he had an MRI report (he was v good). 3 month wait for MRI scan. In so much pain
went privately for MRI. Then Saw Rheumatologist soon after, on NHS. Scan showed Bulging DiscsL 3/4 & 5. He discussedtreatment plan. The options were Cortisoneinjection, exercise programme, or surgery. He advised against surgery, & said to try other options first.
He referred me to the Physio Dept. They looked at my MRI scan then gave me a programme of exercises, which I still do. Obviously, has not cured the problem, but my back is so much better. I can still have a cortisone injection, if necessary.
Hope this helps.
Hi, this is not an unusual outcome. OA often has very little to show on xray till it reaches the need for intervention. I have pain and massive swelling but very little change on xray but I have gout also which may alter the swelling. Only consulation for you is if there are no bone changes it could remain in this stable stage for many years. Every bset wish
Hi, Silvershamrock, I was kept being told there was nothing wrong with my knee, After countless appointments, and six years later, I had enough, I demanded yes demanded a second opinion, and was given an ultra scan, I thought nothing of it until an appointment came for me, they had found that behind my kneecap was arthritis, down both sides of my knee, and that the bone structure was, in fact, laying more bone, I had an Arthroscopy, nothing happened, was still in pain, My knee was locking at night, giving way, and the pain was awful, I have since refused a knee replacement, because I have Pustular Psoriasis, and this disease attacked my Scar earlier this year, when I had hand surgery, I have braces, for both knees, I am having pain in my left knee, My Rheumatologist thinks I should not focus so much on the pain and do exercise, I have my whole body riddled It is in my hips knees feet hands wrists and Scoliosis of the Spine.
X-rays are quite limited when diagnosing osteoarthritis. It was only after having a MRI of my spine, hips knees etc that a true picture emerged. Sadly it took four years of pain to get to that point.
I'm sorry it took so long to get diagnosed. I'm being referred to a foot specialist now over the pain, bunions and flat feet. I'm only 40!! 😫
Thanks to everyone for replying even if I haven't commented. I appreciate all your advice and I'm glad you all shared your stories xxx
Hi, I have wear & tear in my lower back & right knee. I had my right knee x rayed and also a scan which revealed minor wear and tear but no arthritis. However it still feels weak after 2 yrs and isn't the same as it was. But my lower back tends to ache, especially on waking in a morning. Ive always been quite fit and enjoyed running, golf, weight training etc but now if I go a bit to intense all the areas of wear and tear are sore for days. Im 56.
I want to know if I can jog slowly on a treadmill or is it doing more harm than good. The reason being I was told by a trainer, at the gym where I was given a referral, that its ok for something like a bulging disc whereas previously people were told to avoid running. However I don't know if I have a disc problem or if its the facet joints and my GP and physio refuses to send me for a scan to discover the exact problem. Should I go back and insist I need it scanning to enable me to find out what I can and cannot do? I think wear & tear is a physio/GP's favourite buzz-phrase but does absolutely nothing for the patient who is left basically to work out for him/herself!
You need to find a new doctor.
These days, most doctors are nothing more than politics with medical degrees.
It may take time to find a REAL doctor, but it’s well worth it.
Oh dear! You can borrow my doctor!