Hi all,
Looking for some advice really as I feel like I am in limbo at the moment. I am 29 and for the last few years I have had flare ups of a swollen knuckle on my right hand.tbis normally occurred when the air pressure changed like when there was a thunderstorm, for example.
This time however, it has been extremely painful, and the swelling has not gone down for nearly a week now. The knuckle on my hand of the middle finger is red and I cant get my ring off my middle finger because it is so swollen. I am now getting pins and needles in my fingers and toes and a burning sensation in my right hand fingers and can't straighten my index finger on my right hand either.
I also have an old ligament injury in my right ankle and now my whole foot is stiff and sore too. The physio for the ligament injury told me I have hypermobility and I bruise very easily.
I have a vitamin d deficency and anemia as well and am wondering if all these symptoms point to RA or are just coincidence? Oh and I've also had 4 pretty severe ear infections within the last year.
My GP sent me for an xray on my hand yesterday and I have blood tests next week. Is there any other test I should be asking for? Or do these symptoms point to something else (or nothing?!)
Thanks in advance for any advice x