I've been getting a warm burning sensation down the side of my right leg . It starts from my right thigh and goes all the way down to my knee. What could that be? I'm only getting it on my right side as of right now. Can anyone tell me or give me an idea of what I'm experiencing down the right side of my body. I'm not sure if I should have it checked out or not. But I feel it more on some days than others.
A warm burning sensation.: I've been... - Arthritis Action
A warm burning sensation.

Sciatic issues can cause warmth down leg have you back problems? Leg pain or sensations can be from neck or lower back damage it's probably something to go to gp about, if this is not the case it can be a warning of a nerve trapped I've had sciatic issues over the years and it can be helped by the right exercises hope I haven't worried you more

Scarlet1 I've been feeling it for the last month or so. For the Las week it has felt like a warmer sensation than it was at first. It's not painful but last night I felt it from my thigh to my knee cap witch is the first . It seems to start up more so in the evening hrs than any other part of the day.
Sorry i didnt check your medication , Just checked the side affects, hot flushes warming are one of the reported by people using it and in different parts of the body , some of the medication we are put on have major or minor side effects and effect each of us differently . Think this also could be a possibility .
Some health insurance companies or hospitals have free hotlines where you can ask a nurse. It's handy when I'm unsure whether I need an urgent care, trip to the ER, or just make an appoint with my PCP and stop worrying.
I had similar pain down the right thigh and in the groin (originally thought a groin strain) but it went on for a couple of years. Went to see a physiotherapist and he identified the problem as being the hip - as the pain from the hip can seem to come from the groin or inner thigh. We tried various exercises, it eased it but didn't make it go away. I went to see a hip specialist and he diagnosed the problem as FAI (which is bone abnormality that is grinding my cartilage) so he performed keyhole surgery to smooth off the bone and stabilise the cartilage. It is now 4 months on, the pain is better but still in recovery (they reckon about 6 months).
Initially getting the doctor to look at it seriously was hard, so paid for my own physiotherapist, after about 6 session he wrote to my doctor and he then got me referred onto the hip and knee specialist. These things can be like looking for a needle in a haystack but hope this advice helps.