Unsure as to what this is but I am having... - Arthritis Action

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Unsure as to what this is but I am having a dreadful quality of life just now. I want to cry and leave and cut my damned legs off.....

VBMousey profile image
15 Replies

I have Degenerantive Disc Desease, Herniated Discs and Arthritic Facet Joint Syndrome, in my lower back, with my sacroiliac joint. I've also just been diagnosed with Osteoperosis in both knee caps and around them, moreso on the right as I have a hard lump at the back of the leg. I'm so scared. I'm only 40 and have to care for my disabled son too. It's pain staking and makes me sob most days.

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VBMousey profile image
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15 Replies
bb61 profile image

morning, you sound desperate. you must go back to your gp and explain all these feelings make a longer appointment and discuss all pain relief options, nobody should be in this much pain, I was the same I have arthritis in neck/shoulder/hips and sometimes the pain is just too much to bear, I too have wanted to on many occations wanted to cut my arm off due to the extreme pain, I explained to the gp and went back time and time again until I found the medication that had some sort of relief, I still get pain mostly my hips at night time I have to get up and try and find something to distract me, I too am a carer for my husband who has early onset dementia together with multiple medical problems so I do push my own pain medical problems aside (as we do) do you have help at home to enable you to rest? there is help out there its accessing it that's the problem. x bb

VBMousey profile image
VBMousey in reply to bb61

Hi bb61

I'm taking a lot of anti-inflammatories, and morphine. I wear a slow release patch and take Zomorph too, which is another slow release morphine drug. I take Tramadol, Diazepam, Diclofenac, Duluxatine, Calcium, Glucosamine, Oramorph, Iron Water, Vits - B Complex, D, E, C and A. I take lots of herbal natural products too, but that's for my IBS.

I've had x-rays that showed 'nothing', and no further action needed, so I went back to my GP and then 2 weeks ago, both knees were seen by an arthritis consultant who did an ultrasound scan on both of my knees. He said both were filled with fluid and wanted the lump at the back 'investestigated'

He said he would write to my GP, but I'm not sure I'll be able to get anything before I see another chap later in September.

I have an appt on 17 of September with another consultant at my local Orthopaedic Hospital. They are brilliant but I've started to use a wheelchair, as I can't walk, I have 2 crutches when I can walk and use a brace that was NOT cheap on my left leg, which is the worst and has the lump.

Today, it's damp and foggy here, I've gone to bed for an hour or so. My Pain is killing me today. I can barely walk. For now, until the 17th of Sept, it's a waiting game.

Thank you for reading this. Mousey xxx

Rileytra profile image

Oh poor you .sounds like your are having such a tough time. OK the lump ,get it checked !but my mother in law has the same thing. I cannot remember the name but it is a cyst that is really common with people with knee problems. What help do you have. Have adult care checked your house for the things that YOU need. Try different pain relief/killers. You will be no help to your family if you don't take care of you too. Good luck

VBMousey profile image
VBMousey in reply to Rileytra

Hi Rileltra, thank you for the reply.

I'm taking a lot of anti-inflammatories, and morphine. I wear a slow release patch and take Zomorph too, which is another slow release morphine drug. I take Tramadol, Diazepam, Diclofenac, Duluxatine, Calcium, Glucosamine, Oramorph, Iron Water, Vits - B Complex, D, E, C and A. I take lots of herbal natural products too, but that's for my IBS.

I've had x-rays that showed 'nothing', and no further action needed, so I went back to my GP and then 2 weeks ago, both knees were seen by an arthritis consultant who did an ultrasound scan on both of my knees. He said both were filled with fluid and wanted the lump at the back 'investestigated'

He said he would write to my GP.

I have an appt on 17 of September with another consultant at my local Orthopaedic Hospital.

Today, it's damp and foggy here, I've gone to bed for an hour or so. My Pain is killing me today. I can barely walk. For now, until the 17th of Sept, it's a waiting game.

Thank you for reading this. Mousey xxx

Rileytra profile image

Hi Mousey years of taking anti inflammatory stuff has left me with reflux so they are a no now didn't work anyway.do they trigger your IBS?. Tried all the drugs you are on. Your body gets used to the drugs really quickly. 8 weeks and I was having to really up the dose. The opiate family now make me really ill so I don't take them. I went through stages of : take the drugs to try to life a normal and active life. Then slow my lifestyle down stop doing stuff and not have the drugs. It's trying to find a balance. Hate the cold. Everything hurts. Afraid of ice after slipping over and landing on my knees. 3 weeks of no walking.if you don't already take a note pad to all appointments. Write everything down. Take a list of questions. Consultants can be very intimidating. Research before you go in otherwise your blinded by science. Make sure you keep warm and cosy. :) XxX

VBMousey profile image
VBMousey in reply to Rileytra

Sorry I'm so late to replying to you! I will come back as I am now going to see said consultant, with my wonderfully supportive husband in tow and a large 'me' notebook that I keep and pen!!!

Thank you, this damper, cooler weather does nothing for me either, except make me take more pain killers, that as you said, don't work!!!

Mousey xx

Hi VBMousey, Like you there are some days when I could just sit and cry through lack of sleep due to constant pain from osteo and fibromyalgia, which I've suffered from for40years. But a year ago a neighbour recommended Arnica Gel, and when I get no pain relief from the drugs I use the gel on the hot spots and seem to get enough relief to get a few hours sleep or to do some house work that at the moment seems to be getting the better of me. But some relief is much better than none at all. You can access this product online from QVC made by SBC. Maybe worth a try. Good luck xx

VBMousey profile image
VBMousey in reply to

Thank you, I'll certainly look into that depending on what the doc says soon! I hope you are okay today, the weather here can't make it's mind up!! :(

Mousey xx

harkerl profile image

I like you have degenerative spinal disease and osteoporosis in ,pain all the time, but I am still breathing ,I am still able to laugh

And to walk( with great effort) my two beautiful dogs.

Life is to short to worry about what will be and this only makes the the pain worse.

On the worst of day ,I will take out the photographs of my children and grandchildren to lift my spirits.

VBMousey profile image
VBMousey in reply to harkerl

I hope that my mindset will on day be like yours xxx It's hard to see through the fog of the pain though just now......

Mousey xx

VBMousey profile image

Hello all :)

Well, that was a lovely waste of the poor consultants' time!! I was sent to see a Rheumatoid Arthritis specialist, who couldn't find my MRI from 2012, or x-rays from March, or my ultrasound scans from the end of August! Bless him.

Eventually, he found everything that he needed. (pardon the pun!)

He did ask lots of questions about my knee pain and also about my back conditions also, which reassured me that he was at least taking down info the correct consultant that he's referring me to.

He also asked why I'm on so much morphine and various other opiates, and have been for so long, whilst not being managed by ANYONE.

He wasn't angry, more puzzled as to why and how I'd ended up sat in his clinic! He examined me and found out just how sore my knees are, after touching my left kneecap and me practically shooting through the ceiling!

He's going to get my GP (who he was NOT impressed with, given that my GP hadn't taken any urine, or bloods to date since this all started in January) to put me on a new drug, he said it was extremely expensive, but that it should give me some pain relief, he also said I was far too young to be living like this when I have a young disabled son to care for around the clock too! He was really nice.

So, now I have to wait and see how long it is before I get to see this knee specialist. The Doc I saw today said the ultrasound looks like a Baker's Cyst and that they will most likely remove it, due to it's size. I guess it's time to research Baker's Cysts, without using Google!! :D

Thank you all again for your support and replies..... I'll keep you posted with the name of the drug and what happens next.

Off to do some reading and then see how everyone else is. Bye for now,

Mousey xx

VBMousey profile image
VBMousey in reply to VBMousey

Oh and by the way, the consultant said if anything, it was likely to be caused by Osteoarthritis, not Rheumatoid or a fracture/break/injury, which can lead to Baker's Cysts developing. :) xxx

harkerl profile image

Hi Mousey,

I am pleased that the news from your consultant was more positive for you today. Did you know that some "pain killers" can actually cause pain when taken along with others? Some can also affect the joints. I take as few as I can without pulling my hair out.

I hope you have a good day tomorrow, the weather is supposed to be quite good . Find a warm place and enjoy the sun while its still here,befor it takes its winter holidays.


Hi Mousey, Really relieved to hear that you had a good consultant that listened, and that something is being done for you. Another thing that I find extremely comforting are wheat bags that you warm up in the microwave. If my knees or hips are giving me gyp, I usually put them on the painful areas when I'm in bed and it helps me to get to sleep. I take it from what you said about the weather that you are in the UK. That being the case, if you have a Home Bargains store near you, then that's the place to get them at a very reasonable price, otherwise, Pharmacies, but they cost about £6 from there whereas Home Bargains are about £2:50. Worth a try now its getting colder. Good Luck with the new medication. Take care. x Joyce

Clanger152 profile image

Hi VBMousey, I think the hard lump behind your knee may be a 'Bakers cyst' which as someone else mentioned is quite common in people with osteoarthritis in the knees. The way it was described to me was that the fluid normally inside your knee, that acts as a cushion between the bones, doesn't have enough room, therefore it forms in a pocket at the back of the knee. It does not tend to cause problems unless it ruptures as mine did. The fluid drained down into my leg and foot and caused severe swelling and pain and caused nerve damage in my foot where it welled for about 4 years. On top of your other pain and problems you do not need this added to your list. Please get it checked out and if you don't get the help you need straight away, push, push, push until you do. You do not deserve to live this way and you obviously have people that love and care for you but you owe it to yourself to get the results you so obviously need.

Love from me to you xx

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