Just want to vent a bit please. I just did the APP online creative writing workshop, which was really good, can't fault it, but now I'm sat here crying, which I never do, and I think I know why.
Everyone else seems so good and creative at putting into fancy words how they feel about their PP experiences, and just coming up with amazing poems and pieces of writing about it, and I just can't seem to do that. I just have to write or say something either flippant and silly, or just entirely factual and uncreative. I just feel frustrated at myself.
I don't know how other people do it. Most people had far worse PP experiences than me and seem ok to talk or write about it, often really beautifully. I just push it all down because it hurts too much to think about, let alone write or talk about. If I do think about it, like today, it seems to really knock me back.
I'm also crying about just how amazing you PP survivors are!
Is there a 'right' or 'best' way to move on from, or deal with everything, that I've just not figured out? Should I be over it by now? Do others feel like this? Thanks for listening.