Hi All,
I’m a 25 year old Mum from the Uk. I was recently diagnosed with Post Partum Psychosis after my baby was born in 2018 and it’s been a rollercoaster since. A couple of days after having my baby irrational thoughts kicked in that my baby was going to die in there sleep, suffocate, or my family were going to try and steal even molest them.
I didn’t sleep for days on end watching my baby sleep for hours, eventually hallucinating and having an ambulance called for me. They told me I was over tired and to be honest I played it down because I thought they would take my baby from me.
Since then, I have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder affecting my relationship (one minute I’m happy the next I’m deeply sad and cannot gets out of bed) I haven’t been put on any medication yet but I’ve been told by my doctor and therapist that my PP isn’t so bad to need tablets, since Lockdown in the Uk things have spiralled.
I recently starting using cocaine whilst out with friends and drinking leaving my child with their father, and then I’m on a come down for days. I can’t tell you how disgusted I feel with myself. I have never tried drugs before so why now as a mother? I feel really unworthy of my title as a parent. I really want to stop this lifestyle right now before it affects my full ability to parent as I have an addictive personality also. I am often fantasising about suicide but not putting anything into plan. I’m so scared to tell my therapist the truth about what’s going on incase they section me or call social services as part of my PP is that they will take my child away. Even though before all this I was assessed to see if my child was at risk and they had no doubt that they are not.
I’ve messaged my old friends asking them to leave me alone and I want to change and be a better mum and not drink or do drugs and just because I don’t do it front of my child doesn’t make it ok. Is there anywhere I can go anonymously to seek help? Maybe a group or something? I’m petrified of losing my child. I’m doing all the things I’m afraid of which goes against my fears? I’m so confused right now. I can’t tell you how much I love being a mum and I love my child so so much.