Dear Ladies.
I have been listening to the radio tonight, Rother FM, The Late Lounge, and the song "Something inside so strong came on". It reminded me of my situation. I get a lot of pleasure from music as it reminds me of when my children were born and all the good times I have had with them. I have also been reading my books on PPP and narcissistic mothers. I have been doing my Open University studies.
My job is going well. I am not looking forward to going to court about my brothers and cousin as they will focus on my mental health, but I am prepared. There have been that many lies told about me that it is hard for me to make sense of what is true and what isn't.
I have not had my antipsychotic over the weekend and am starting to feel a bit anxious. I am going first thing in the morning for my prescription. I have got an appointment with a counsellor tomorrow. I will let you know how I get on.