Hi, I'm looking for advice really. I had pp in 2013 with my 1st and only child. I was sectioned and put on a psychiatric ward for a month. Had 4 lots of ect and was on olazanipine and sertraline. Came off all meds in 2016 and made a full recovery. But end of last year, I started getting anxiois symptoms and hot sweats and massive mood swings and no periods. Seen my G P and she put me on HRT in Feb 19, as said I was going through the peri menopause. Was on 50mg patches and all was good for a while, Since June my G P put me on a slightly higher dose, to 75 as been on 50 since Feb. Tried upping it a bit. Since then I have been having mood swings again. Anxiety playing up massivly and Can't sleep at night. Also had a cold so not sure if it's just that. I know pp can come back at high levels of hormone change, like menopause and wondered if the change in dose is too blame? Does it take a few weeks to settle.Thanks for listening . So scared it's coming back. Anna x
Advice needed please ;0): Hi, I'm... - Action on Postpar...
Advice needed please ;0)

Hi Anna_10
I’m really sorry you’re struggling at the moment with peri menopausal symptoms and mood swings, anxiety and lack of sleep. It sounds horrible.
I hope you may get some replies here of others who have experienced the menopause and how they coped. I have not gone through the menopause yet so I’m afraid I don’t have any personal experience to offer you.
I wondered though if you know about the second opinion psychiatry service which is based at Cardiff university? They are specialised in mood disorders, postpartum psychosis but also menopausal psychosis. They would accept a referral from you I’m sure but you would need your GP or mental health team to refer you. Rather than being a second opinion service it is more a specialist service and they may have some ideas of treatment for you? It is free as well, to you and your funding authority, and can do a consultation over video call. The link is here: app-network.org/what-is-pp/...
I do hope that may be helpful and that you can find some stability. I imagine the struggles with sleep must be having a big impact. I know the fear of relapsing is really scary, Its so good you’ve reached out for support when you’re struggling, I do hope you can find all the support you need.
Take care
Ellie xx
Thank you. I will look into this further. I hope it's just a blip. Blimming hormones! Kind Regards, Anna x
Yes hormones have a lot to answer for... and hard to know what is normal for peri menopause too as I know friends who didn’t have pp who struggled with the same things you describe... I have all this to look forward to! It’s so good you’re being cautious though and getting help as quickly as you can.
Take care and I do hope you can find things that help
Ellie xx
Hi there.
I had PPP after my daughter was born and PPD after my son. I have been diagnosed a going through the perimenopause and am not currently on HRT. I was sectioned again at Christmas and was sent to a general psychiatric, then an intensive ward. I have been diagnosed as having Bipolar/PTSD. I am currently awaiting the police coming to see me to discuss abuse I have suffered as a child and narcissistic parents. I also have nightmares and insomnia. I have an implant now as I dare not take the risk of having more children. I am also seeing a solicitor on Monday to discuss medical negligence claims against the health authority as I have already sued them once and won my case.
Take care of yourself.

Hi Anna_10
Thanks for sharing your experience following PP in 2013. I think, as Ellie suggested, having a consultation with Prof Ian Jones will probably give you a better understanding of your mood swings and feelings of anxiety. It's fear of the unknown isn't it which must be very worrying for you.
I wonder if an interview on Radio4 "Postpartum Psychosis and Menopause" would be helpful to listen to? The interview is with Prof Ian Jones of APP and Val, a lovely former volunteer, and might give you an insight. The link is app-network.org/news/bbc-ra.... The interview on iPlayer starts about 20.41 into the broadcast.
I hope this is helpful. Take care.
Thank you for all listening. I visited me g p and back on setraline and hrt patches. So up and down, just scares me I'm going backwards rather than forwards. Thanks again. Kind regards. Anna x

Hi Anna
I hope you found your GP supportive when you visited. Did you ask to be referred to the second opinion service for Prof Jones' input, or perhaps you might reconsider later. I'm so sorry you're struggling at the moment and hope Sertraline and HRT patches help.
We are all here to listen.

Thinking of you Anna_10 and here if and when you when you need us. Sometimes it is one step forward and two back which can be scary but with good support from your GP you really will find your place again. Take care. xx
Thank you for listening xx