I got PP in September 2011 after the birth of my second son. I was dreadfully unwell. Long story short but after a planned four month hospital admission to sort out my meds starting January 2017 my husband refused to let me go home or look after our boys, he said I was unfit and not safe to have them. After a year long court battle I 'won' my case and can now have them for half of the week. It's been hellish and he did his best to break me but I stayed strong and focused. Next step divorce!!
I got my boys back!!: I got PP in... - Action on Postpar...
I got my boys back!!

Wow Rachellea that’s brilliant news...what a strong and determined mum you are!...well done you!
I know exactly how you feel as I’m in a very similar situation with my daughter at the moment and currently going through the court battle to get her back! It’s so nice to read your story as I’ve not come across anyone in the same position as myself....it gives me hope...thank you! Enjoy those first moments back with your boys it must be amazing!
Congratulations that’s amazing news. I too am fighting to get my children back. This sort of post gives me hope, I haven’t seen mine for 3 months.
Wishing you and your boys all the best xx
Great news.. What an ordeal- glad you are well and happy now.
If I can offer any help and support about how I got my boys back ask away, am happy to answer any questions X x
Were you assessed as well enough and were you working during the custody dispute?
Were you shut out of the access procedure and how did you manage to state your case so you could have an option? Question out of interest, as it must have been complicated and difficult when up against a brick wall.

I started the legal process at getting them back in September 2017. It's been a long and costly time. My ex husband wanted to deny me any contact with them unsupervised and overnight were not to happen. It took me seeing am independent court appointed psychiatrist in derby at the cost of £1000 to get a positive report saying yes I was dreadfully unwell but now I am better and not a danger to the boys. I also got positive reports from as many people as possible, including my cpn, community psychiatrist, work, scouting leader (I am a section leader at my local beaver group). They all read numerous statements saying I am well and have a good prognosis and the chance of relapse is low. To be honest it's cost me thousands as I don't qualify for legal aid. It's been a tough and draining process as so so much is at stake but I have had fantastic support who had my back and kept me focused. My first few over night stays have to be supervised by my dad but after that I can have them overnight on my own. If I can offer anyone any more help and advice please don't hesitate to ask, I will willingly accept private messages if you don't want to discuss things in a public platform x x
That's so interesting how you were able to work with kids, and get support from
community professionals. it all goes to show working along side, may be the only path to gaining access to you children on a apart time basis to start with.
You found an independent court psychiatrist to get an affirmative to support you.
Wishing you health and happiness.
Thanks so much Rachellea2007 for sharing your experience, you've described so well everything you had to do... what a process you've been through... you are an inspiration.
Take care,
Ellie XX
Thank you Ellie, I won't lie it was an horrendous year and at times I nearly lost all hope of getting them back but so many people supported me and wrote lots of positive reports about me that I had to carry on x x
How did you find a court appointed psychiatrist ? This must be a key to change opinion.
Did your anger help you to move on as you realised how your ex husband was manipulating you - did you find his behaviour abusive not permitting you in the home and he was acting unreasonably. If he was wanting sole custody yet most of the childrens days were spent at school would you have gone for a legal separation rather than a divorce or did you want a quickie divorce. How can the partner who has recovered from this women's post complication find support and get a fair deal?
Do you think that if there was more research such as Katherina Dalton's who recommended progesterone injections after birth to prevent this condition occurring again.?

It’s wonderful to hear your news, you will be giving so much hope, and also helpful experience to those in a similar situation.
Take care
So happy for you. Just keep looking after urself and u will stay on top
Dear Rachelle . How fantastic that you continued the fight for your beloved children . How lucky they are to have such a wonderful loving mum .
All the best to you xxDenizt