A statement on Paintings I Love website (advice, info and publicity)
Sabine K 03.April 17
Dear fellow artists, as some of you know I feel very passionate about Action Post Partum Psychosis (APP).
This year I would like to sell some of my pictures in order to contribute a substantiated amount to APP.
APP's resources are quite limited (with regards to my subject matter), but they would like to publish my bio and some of my pictures on their social website (app-network.org).
1. Have you had experiences in selling your work for a good cause?
2. How do I go about, but simultaneously protect myself from too much publicity?
3. Which website or other contacts would you recommend?
4. How did you feel about going public on facebook? (cost involved, delivery of paintings, safe accounts?)
Your advise is very much appreciated via e-mail. THANK YOU
Sabine K
Gold Member