Hi I have been well for months thank God. I came off my medication months ago and was about to be discharged from my outpatients appointment. Unfortunately I have been caught out on a lie as I stopped my medication ages ago. Do I come clean? I am afraid what to say now as it's obvious as I missed an appointment and they asked me today about how I had enough tablets etc. I am clearly well and have been for months. Just scared with a baby involved will they start questioning everything. Any advice....I feel bad as they are nice but I am afraid to come totally clean but they caught me out on the phone today
I stopped my medication in March and ... - Action on Postpar...
I stopped my medication in March and now outpatients have caught me out....just as I was about to be discharged help

Hello Walking45
Good to hear from you. I'm really pleased that you are well well without your medication although it might have been a big risk. During my recovery I reduced my medication myself as I thought I would eventually be fine without it but I went downhill very quickly. So I think you have been lucky.
Perhaps if you explain that you felt better without the medication and didn't want to bother the outpatients team, they might understand? Try not to worry .... I'm sure they will see that your baby is thriving and that you have done really well to recover and move forward as a family. They must have thought you were doing well too as I think they would have reviewed you on a more regular basis? I'm not sure if this is any help but it's really good to hear that you are well. Take care. xx
What is the background?
I got pyschosis last October and stopped medication in March but thankfully I have been well since. I weaned myself gradually off it but didnt tell the hospital out patients. I missed my last appointment as I was busy and they have figured out as I wudnt of had enough tablets on the prescription. I didn't set out to deceive anybody .

Don't worry Walking45, Of course you didn't set out to deceive anybody and I'm sure the professionals will know that. You have battled your way through a very traumatic time and have done really well .... so try and celebrate how far you have come
Thanks. I know they have my best interests at heart. I panicked on the phone when they asked how I had managed with no tablets ...it was obvious I wasn't being truthful. I hate lying so I feel bad but I was worried they would not understand my reasons for stopping them early. We have moved house since we last spoke so spending the weekend with my husband and daughter. I feel upset & stressed since the phone call to be honest. I even went to a blood test & ECG recently as I was too afraid to admit I was off the tablets.

Hello Walking45
I'm sorry you feel upset and stressed since the phone call. I hope you can find time to relax, although that's hard to do when moving into a new house! Wrap yourself in the comfort blanket of your new home with your family and try not to worry Take care.
Thanks. I will enjoy my weekend.The move has been stressful too so I am not staying up there full time just yet. Sometimes I remind myself how being a mum is just not easy even if you were never sick it's just mum stuff😁

Hi Walking45
So much to think and worry about as a mum, definitely!
Try not to worry about the phone call, its their job to check you’re ok and they may have been concerned about the medication but I can’t see there would be any reason for them to start questioning things in a way to worry about. Although it would always be advised to come off medication under supervision, it’s ultimately your decision and your choice. It’s good you’ve managed to wean off ok and have been well. Have they discharged you as planned? If not, I’m sure you can discuss this with them next time.
Try not to worry. Look after yourself and enjoy your weekend.
Best wishes
Jenny x

Hello Walking45
You're so right that being a mum isn't easy .... so much to think about with the precious gift of a baby. With PP added it is an uphill struggle. Don't rush yourself to get back on track ... take your time to feel a little stronger each day with family support around you We are always here to listen.
Thanks a million

Hello Walking45
I hope you had a good weekend and were able to relax a little, possibly with Taylor Swift in the background I hope your appointment in September goes well and you will continue to feel better without the effects of medication. Take good care ... a step at a time. x

Hello Walking45
I hope your appointment this month went / goes well and you are taking it easy x
Hi thanks for your message. It went well tks but it was tough going as I had to reflect on the events before and describe my symptoms x

Hi Walking45
Good to hear the appointment went well. I'm sorry it was tough for you looking back but I think it makes you realise how far you have come and what a star mum you are x
Ahh thank you very much. X