After my first baby, I had ppp, but did not take medicine or get help. I just cried at times for no reason. After a year, I felt better. Not myself but better. Four years and one day later, I had my second baby. I was crying again for no reason, but more was going on. My self-esteem was low, high anxiety, withdrawing. I started on an anti-depressant. That was 16 years ago. I still feel like I'm stuck in ppp. I've been to specialists to balance my hormones. I see a psychiatrist and psychologist. Some months are great. I love my children and don't regret having them. They are the sun and the moon. I just want to be emotionally normal like before. My question is: will ppp ever end for me? It still feels the same. Never ending.
Don't fret new mothers and fathers. I'm sure I'm not the norm.