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Success with second, third...pregnancies after PPP?

aparliman profile image
8 Replies

Wondering if there is anyone out there with successful pregnancies, post birth experiences after having a PPP episode in the past. Anybody out there who hasn't had a reoccurence after other births?

I'm trying for another baby after a terrible ppp episode in 2010. Ive been diagnoised bipolar since and according to studies I've read, i have a higher risk for reoccurence. Been doing research about reoccurrence, statistics, percentages of reoccurrence, etc. I want to be fully prepared for next time & would love any info I can gather.

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aparliman profile image
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8 Replies
kaybromley profile image


I had a severe case of PPP in 2006 which really started during pregnancy, and have still never really bonded totally with my daughter. I'm currently 25 weeks pregnant with a little boy and things couldn't be any more different this time around! Obviously, there is still the risk that things will go terribly wrong again after his birth, but I've got an appointment with the antenatal psych team later in July, and at least I feel much more prepared to spot the initial signs of PPP now.

K x

HelenMW profile image

Hello there, I did have pp in 1988 with my first daughter then I later had two more daughters in 1996 and 1999 with no recurrence. I followed a plan by a female specialist at the time who was called Katherina Dalton. She has written books on PND generally. I had to eat a starch diet not allowing my blood sugars to go up or down so I had oatcakes and things like mini cheddars. As soon as I had delivered I started on injections of progesterone which were administered by the midwives in hospital and then carried on at home for I think about seven to ten days. I was absolutely fine and it was wonderful to be well during the post natal period. There were two other options available but you could not breastfeed with either, one was lithium treatment and the other oestrogen treatment. Hope this is of some help. We were also so prepared second and third time round and my Mother moved in to offer total support as soon as I came home and that was absolutely marvellous. Kind regards, Helen

Lilybeth profile image


I'm not sure how relevant my comment will be as my first PP was in 1975 and my second in 1981. I was very much out of this world with both episodes and very ill. However, such a lot has changed for the better today with MBU's, medications etc. I hope when the time comes for you a good care package will be in place and all will be well. My children now have children of their own and I am very blessed!

Best wishes.

hel212000 profile image

I had PP in. 2010 following birth of my son, I had my twin girls last year and followed a preventative plan and have remained well so it can be done. Good luck.

tenrob profile image


I just had a baby 12 days ago.

I was very well followed during my pregnancy both physically and mentally. My daughter (back in 2008) was born 2 months early because of pre-eclempia and 5 days after her birth I was taken in a general psychiatric ward for PPP.

As part of my care plan I have been taking quitiapine straight after birth. It seems to be working as I have, of yet, no psychotic symptoms. The other thing we made sure of is that my partner could stay with me at night in hospital. And as quitiapine makes me quite drowsy, getting help with the night feeds is very good.

Before giving birth I was quite worried about getting PPP again. But so far it seems to be going rather well. The only advice I can give you is to have a good care plan, and trying to be as relax as you can.

kaybromley profile image


I had my second baby 2 months ago now, and things could not have been more different!! I am so in love with him and couldn't imagine feeling any other way! It was a bit stressful as he stopped growing between 36-38 weeks, I was induced at 38 weeks but his heart-rate was jumping after contractions so I was whisked away for another emergency C section - He was born at 4lbs 11oz. As soon as he arrived he was given to me to hold and I knew things were different, last time I just really didn't care, let alone want to see the baby! The midwifes were very keen on us having skin-to-skin time but he hated being naked as he got cold quick so I soon put a stop to that!

The biggest things that have helped me this time around and made a huge difference - being aware of the risk of PPP returning, support from my family and partner during the pregnancy, bonding with the bump, starting appointments with the perinatal mental health team........ and after the birth - my partner being allowed to stay with us in hospital for the 2 nights we had in there, the midwives being aware of my situation last time (without making it a huge deal!) and giving me the same midwife all day/night in hospital... Once we came home.... having an Additional Support Midwife who was solely coming around to chat to me (as well as the normal midwife), continuing the perinatal appointments with the mental health team, NOT having too many family etc piling in to see Sammy (they were very good at giving me my own time to bond first), extra support from my partner!

My biggest advice is to remember that PPP CAN come back, but it doesn't have to! I was determined this time around that things would be better and I honestly can't imagine being as ill as I was with my first again! Just stay positive and keep calm with good support around you! Have confidence in yourself and your ability to love and cope with your baby- that has been my hugest change (even through times such as realising I'd need to supplement my breast feeds with formula).

Hope you've had some good news since your original post and have another lil un on the way!!

Kay xx

andrea_at_app profile image
andrea_at_appVolunteer in reply to kaybromley

Hi Kay, what wonderful news to hear, congratulations! There're some great tips & encouragement there for Aparliman or anyone else thinking of a second baby after PP. It's great that you had plenty of additional help & things were very different this time. Thank you & all the best x

boat1 profile image

My last pregnancy was successful after a nightmare PPP in 2009. You need a good birth plan. Things which helped for me were early epidural, pain was a trigger, medication is important post natal. I tuk lithium and quetiapine v useful to rest ( short term ) help with baby also on night time esp first month don't focus on breastfeeding if that interferes with medication. Although successful last this time I am considering meds ie lithium in last trimester as this would reduce post natal risks. I am currently off meds but it's diff for everyone. You could restart in second trimester depending on history how things going. You also need a perinatal psychologist. Good luk don't forget to pray

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