Hi everyone,
Did anyone ever go through depression after they survived pp. I'm scared of dwelling on all the terrible things that I thought of. I don't want it to put me in a depression.
Hi everyone,
Did anyone ever go through depression after they survived pp. I'm scared of dwelling on all the terrible things that I thought of. I don't want it to put me in a depression.
No I didn't. But I'm sure others have. Anxiety was my main problem. Talking to people helped me a lot. At first I couldn't get out of the house so I used the phone like breast feeding association, lifeline just to talk with someone. I had a friend visit me weekly (her husband had mental health issues) which helped. Then I found a mum across the road with a daughter my age so we had weekly play dates, she didn't know I had mental health. I also found going for walks practising just enjoying the scenery helped. I've done a lot of mindfulness in the past so I'm sure that helped too. A mental health nurse ended up visiting, but before that I went to the local nurse at the pharmacist who helped a lot with practical things. For you I'd imagine talking to a psychologist would help most if ur able to get out of the house...can your gp to help?
Hi suzannah0,
I believe that talking to a psychologist will help me a lot with this but my regular doctor said it could be months to get in to see one so he gave me the antipsychotic medication to help me for now. How long did it take for you to see an improvement once on medication?
Moodgym online helped me once if your waiting for a psychologist. Maybe that might help? For me, it was different each time. The first time (psychosis not pp) I felt better after about ten days but I wasn't confident to drive. It probably took me 4 months to be totally relaxed, I started working six months after tho the Dr's said I could work after ten days. The second time (ppp) I was better after 3 days but I forgot taking tablets, as I wasn't given clear instructions w breastfeeding and I was trying to take them at the same time baby fell asleep, so I got worse. So then the third time it took about a week of solid sleeping away from baby at night for me to feel better, I was completely OK six weeks after. by better I mean no psychosis, I still had some moderate anxiety over the stressful situationspsychologist that triggered the events.
Hi Ashley, I'm less than 2 months out of the MBU ad have found that since the psychotic symptoms have gone that I've swung between feeling depressed and feeling okay. It's hard, having the depressed symptoms after PP but it is manageable. All of terrible thoughts aren't from you, they are all just a part of the illness. You are so strong to have come through this and still be fighting it! I am praying that things get easier for you soon!