For a long time when things didn't go to plan I tortured myself with the thoughts of "why me"...the other day I suddenly thought..."why not me"
I was in a very negative mind set for a very long time and although not to blame for PP certainly my way of thinking attracted more negativity into my life. I really do believe that by getting to the point of acceptance of what is happening, accepting where we are in our healing and trusting that out of this difficult situation only good will follow than we can all live in the hope of better days to come.
It is heart breaking to read some of the posts and the struggles people go through - if we can soothe our selves and treat ourselves with kindness rather than trying to push and rush recovery - affirm that "I am healing, all is well" - we play a big part in our own healing process the thoughts we think dictate our future.
I would like to invite as many of you as possible to post something positive to inspire others and reinforce that we are here to support, eg
"I treat myself with patience and kindness"
" I let go of the past and look forward to a wonderful future"
I look forward to reading your inspirational responses
Love from Butterfly1999 xx